This Is Our Fourth New Years Together! It Only Gets Better
We stayed around the house most of the day and then got gussied up to go to the Elks Lodge to celebrate New Years Eve. We have a table for fifteen at the Elks and most of the gang will be there including: Irene, Brenda, Jim & Vicky, Bob & Donna, Yolie and friend Mary, Marsha & Leon, Iris & Will, and us.
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Mike & Bridgette had to cancel as Mike had an accident and had to stay home. Jan cancelled at the last minute.
The Lodge had great things planned and we will enjoy a wonderful dinner and fantastic music. We planned to depart when the younger set gets their music going but that's OK, half of us will already be dozing off already!
We arrived right on time and checked in quickly considering it was the Elks. As we started to get our picture taken, Robin and Bob showed up so we joined forces!
Look out 2024, here we come!
My New Year's resolution is to be more optimistic by keeping my cup half-full with either rum, vodka, or whiskey.
Every body snile for the camera! (No typo)
Daughter Robin and Bob make a great couple.
May all your troubles last as long as your New Year resolutions.
Yolie and Mary added levity to the goings on!
Yolie is Vicky's sister, Mary is Yolie's friend.
Like her sister, stealing the show!
Many things can be preserved in alcohol this New Years Eve, but dignity is not one of them.
Love that smile but we wonder what she did when we were not looking!
The birthday girl and Will... Iris is turning 97 this evening.
I have only one resolution. To rediscover the difference between wants and needs. May I have all I need and want all I have. Happy New Year!
Love those shoes Will
The Christmas Birthday Girl struts her stuff on the carpet!
Perhaps a little two step is coming?
New Years Eve forecast: Mostly drunk with a slight chance of passing out.
(NOTE: It sounds funny but in our little group half do not drink and the rest of us drink a glass of wine!)
Posing for Playboy?
Please, just one more giggle!
Our Cheerleader in action.
We left Scout with specific instruction on what to do at midnight!
Look out world, here they come!
We had a table for fifteen right in the center of the room and close to the dance floor. Too bad that Jan opted not to go this evening.
We had our own entertainment!
Do not move!!
Anyone have some Super Glue??
Scout saw us taking out the Christmas tree!
The Surf and Turf was wonderful!
We brought Jan's home and gave it to Jeff Smith, our dear neighbor!
The Chilean Sea Bass was moist and the potatoes were cooked perfectly.
Hat's off to the chef and the waite staff! Dinner was excellent!
The Elks did it again!!
Mary sees the camera!
Now we know what she was saying.
They await the balloons to fall from Bob's head!
Iris gets a birthday gift from Donna!
Both Will and Iris are having fun this evening.
Three more years and it will by 100!
Now we are in serious trouble!
Vicky and Yolie; a pair to draw too!
They say New York City has the best New Year's celebration, but I say it's overrated. Every year they drop the ball.
Having too much fun!
"Vicky, what did you say??"
What is a New Year's resolution? Something that goes in one year and out the other.
Checkout those suspenders!!
Great times with great friends.
Time to be happy!
What does the little Champagne bottle call his father? Pop!
All the way from Long Beach, BRENDA!!!
Getting ready for the new year!
The biggest reason to stay up until midnight on December 31 is to make sure 2023 leaves.
Coming to you direct from Portland Oregon, Irene!
I was going to give up all of my bad habits for the new year, but then I remembered that no one likes a quitter.
Jet lag does not affect Irene; she is ready to dance!
Love that smile!
Marsha and Leon are in the spirit!
At the beginning of the year, I made a resolution to lose 15 pounds. Only 20 more to go!
Betty and Ed found their headgear. Bring on the New Year!
Let's dance!
Last year, I was able to keep all of my New Year's resolutions... tucked away in a journal on my bookshelf.
Bob and Robin keeping an eye on the "old folks"
Where is your hat, Bob?
Having a wonderful time with friends and family.
Even in pain, she always has a smile!
Is it what I said??
The guys can wear bright color also!
Bob and Donna break form the dance floor!
Looking good!
A new dance step?
Some announcements were being made.
Ronnie is taking over the music.
We had to leave early as Mary's back was giving her a lot of pain and she is no wuss so it must hurt pretty bad. Bob is going to take some additional pictures and send them to me when he gets a chance.
I did tell everyone about my planned celebration at midnight. It emptied the room!
Hey Hey Hey, I was just kidding!