We Have A "Twofer" This Evening!
Bernie is celebrating his 90th birthday (on September 11th) and is going strong. Marcia is also celebrating her birthday but we won't say any more (it's classified). Join the fun!!
Iris was one of the early birds!
Vicky without Del is like Gracie without George!
(We miss you Del)
OK Bob... What was the joke?
Bob Tells The Joke: A kindergarten student told his teacher that he found a cat, but it was dead. "How do you know that the cat was dead?" she asked him. "Because I pissed in its ear and it didn't move," he replied innocently. "You did WHAT?!?" the teacher exclaimed. "You know", explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'Pssst' and it didn't move."
..and the evening goes on...
How nice, Bob offers his wine to Iris!
Donnis makes the rounds
Bob and Sandy...a delightful couple!
Donna tells a story
Neal and Nita keeping an eye on everything!
Liz has her $1,000,000 smile tonight
Ghislaine is getting ready to take to the floor
Visiting continues
Bridgette and Mike trip the light fantastic
(...and they also dance)
Everyone moves between tables to visit!
Sandy has the latest gossip!
Miles of smiles!
Vicky checks to see if the coast is clear
Did You Know? - The coast is clear is a phrase that means that the area is free of someone who might observe you or catch you doing something, or it may simply mean that it is safe to proceed with one's planned action. ... The term the coast is clear has been in use since the 1500s, and most probably has its roots in a Spanish phrase.
Sue double checks
"The latest scoop!"
No story is complete without hand gestures
...and the occasional gritting of teeth!
They look innocent but we know better!
Cute couple!
Donna tells more stories... Explains the train experience
(Ask Bob for the details)
Bob joins to explain the technical side of the train adventure
He should have been "Mr. Wizard" on TV
Did You Know? - character.[2] In the weekly half hour live television show Herbert played a science hobbyist, and every Saturday morning a neighbor boy or girl would come to visit. The children were played by child actors; one of them (Rita McLaughlin) enjoyed a long subsequent acting career. Mr. Wizard always had some kind of laboratory experiment going that taught something about science. The experiments, many of which seemed impossible at first glance, were usually simple enough to be re-created by viewers.
The show was very successful; by 1954 it was broadcast live by 14 stations, and by kinescope (a film made from the television monitor of the original live broadcast) by an additional 77. Mr. Wizard Science Clubs were started throughout North America, numbering 5,000 by 1955 and 50,000 by 1965. The show moved from Chicago to New York on September 5, 1955, and had produced 547 live broadcasts by the time the show was canceled in 1965, with the last telecast on June 27. The show was cited by the National Science Foundation and American Chemical Society for increasing interest in science, and won a 1953 Peabody Award.
Everybody loves trains!
Marcin and Adrea put on a demonstration
We always pack the dance floor
Mike readies Bridgette for the overhead double-reverse flip!
Neal assures Nita no flipping here
Leon is just dreaming... Ah...young love!
Marcia yells..."Sleeping on the job...again!!"
Steve does an excellent mix of fast/slow dances
Ghislaine gives Wally a run for his money!
Hoping to see a new dance step!
I think Hal saw one!
The serious look
Did You Know? The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Was Opened
1. The idea for a memorial to unidentified soldiers lost in World War I was credited to David Railton, a chaplain during the war, who had noted a grave for an unknown soldier in 1916 on the Western Front.
2. November 11, 1920, the first burial at the United Kingdom's Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey takes place.
3. France did the same on the same date at the base of the Arc de Triumph with six unidentified soldiers from World War I.
4. March 4th, 1921, the United States Congress approves the burial of an unidentified soldier from World War I at Arlington National Cemetery. The inscription on the tomb reads "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God."
5. The United States' ceremony was held on November 11, 1921 in the plaza of the Memorial Amphitheater at Arlington National Cemetery
It's easy to get Bernie to smile
Easier to make him laugh!
His winker works well...especially if there are any ladies around!
He can be sorta serious
...but not for long!
He enjoys the call for "Funny Face Time!"
The real number of candles was NOT allowed by the fire department
They are gathering their strength to blow out the candles
Chocolate chocolate chocolate
Bernie goes first
Someone yelled "STOP!!!!!"
Bernie checks the source
Let the howling commence
Everybody joins in!
Applause rings out! Leon has the Happy Birthday song
written on his napkin so he won't forget it!
Bernie blows out the candle with a mighty gust of hot air
Marcia "huffs and puffs" but the flame does not move!
Leon says "Hurry up... I want cake!!"
Now Marcia
is laughing so hard ain't no way the candle is going out!
Leon saves the day... With a might puff, he blew out the candle and
three dishes of the next table... He declares victory!
Leon saves the day!
Great fun with dear friends
Smoooooch time
This hold is called a "Lip Lock"
Happy Birthday Marcia
"Leon! Don't I get a kiss???"
Candles removed... The chopping can begin!
We all witness the process
Slice and dice!