To The East Coast Tuesday Evening... 9/20/2016
But first.... Another party! Greg, Irene, Jan and Brian are pleased to have Colleen join the weekly Malarkey's ritual. It's our "special place" where we have become part of the Malarkey family.
Join the fun and the tinge of sadness because Colleen and Calhan are going home too soon!
Special thanks to Amy and Joe (and the kids) for making her visit so special!
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Quotation To Remember:
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. ~John Dryden
Colleen was there first... Jennifer and the wait staff put her at "our table"
Jennifer... A Special Lady
and good friend!
"... and I ordered a wine.... Just like Mom and Dad would!"
Colleen has the giggles... What did Greg do?
Calhan enjoys all the activity... He asks himself...
Are all "Old People" like this!
Calhan was fascinated by the bikes... Greg shows him the bikes up close!
"Calhan! Can you make the motorcycle sound again??"
Ah ha... Potato juice... Works every time!
Colleen relates her day... She is ready to be with us this evening!
It appears as though Greg is about to give us a joke!
"Greg is really funny!"
Greg got hold of Colleen's funny bone
Did You Know? - The "funny bone" got its nickname because of that funny feeling you get after you hit it. But your funny bone isn't actually a bone at all. Running down the inside part of your elbow is a nerve called the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve lets your brain know about feelings in your fourth and fifth fingers.
"I am keeping my eye on you Greg"
"I love my juice!"
"Let me guess..."
"Look! In the sky! It's a byrd... It's plain.... It's Super Irene!"
"I knew you would be here"
Quotation To Remember:
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. ~John Dryden
Calhan and I are discussing the finer points of Orange Juice!
"My Orange Juice is a little different!"
"My Orange Juice glass is really really big!"
Silly ghosts
Don't worry Calhan... They are just hanging around!
Grandma Colleen gets a short rest!
Irene takes Calhan into the other room to find out about the score of the game!
(He is also a "Hunk Magnet" in case there are guys watching football)
We dined on the finer things in life... Hot dogs with chili
and club sandwiches!
Did You Know? - Chili peppers originated in the Americas. After the Columbian Exchange, many cultivars of chili pepper spread across the world, used in both food and medicine. Chilies were brought to Asia by Portuguese navigators during the 16th century. India is the world's biggest producer, consumer and exporter of chili peppers.
Seems Great Grandma and Calhan have a game underway!
"Men... Can't live with them... Can't live without them!"
Quotation To Remember:
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. ~John Dryden
Calhan... Wave to Greg.... He is taking your picture
"You can take my picture now... I am smiling... Or is it gas?"
"You can see I really liked my dinner.... I love chili"
"This is my coy and bashful look!"
"Dang! I am being kissed by a bowling ball!"
An amazing view of the bay....
"Great Grandma... Please don't eat my hand!"
"M-m-m-m-m-m-m Half bite... Half kiss"
"That hand is delicious!"
Both are enjoying this game!
"OK... Once more"
Fun fun fun
"Once upon a time...."
Careful... This is a "G-Rated" group!
Quotation To Remember:
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. ~John Dryden
Kiley comes to visit Calhan
"Hey Girl...."
Look over there Kiley... It's a haunted motorcycle"
"Let me get the helmets and we can go for a ride!"
"Ah Calhan... I don't think the owner would approve"
"No... I do not approve!"
"I am not afraid.... My friend Irene will take care of you! She is a witch"
Irene.... 2009... Santa Ana Elks!
"See! I told you and witch's trump ghouls anyway!"
"I am a female there I do not make mistakes!.... Mommy says!"
"Hang on... Here I come!"
...and the room erupts in applause!
They are only two weeks apart in age.... Kiley is two weeks younger!
Kiley's mommy... Jennifer
"This feels pretty good"
So cute!
"Where is Paul? I might need a hug also!"
So very cute
Oh oh... He is puckering up!
Calhan asked Kiley if she would like to go to the movies!
"Houston... We have a situation!"
"Bye Calhan... You're just a little too old for me!"
Enjoying the mating rituals of the colonists!
"Hey everyone... I have to go home and sleep!
I have a long flight home tomorrow!"
"OK Miss Irene... You make sure you are here when I come out next!"
"One last goo chi goo before you go!"
"I could easily learn to enjoy this!"
"Do you know what Miss Irene said to me?"
Good night dear friends.... See you Thursday dancing!
Colleen has it right!
Quotation To Remember:
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age. ~John Dryden