Time To Dance (Page One)
We haven't seen each other in days!
Hans is on a diet... He is only drinking water!
(Does he know what fish do in the water?)
Nita takes it all in!
Hans and Vicky are cooking something up!
Don is looking to be in good spirits!
Irene and Vicky, a pair to draw to!
Sue and Marion catch up on the latest!
Nita always finds the handsome men! Arturo is on duty so all will be well!
Brigitte joined us this afternoon!
Nita and Neal without Nita.... Inside joke!
Gary and Ghislaine solve the world's problems
Wally and Linda do the same!
Ernie and her entourage joined the festivities tonight!
First on the floor!
Bill gets his birthday card...
Sharing the latest!
Watching the world go bye!
Best Friends Forever (BFF)
"All I want to do is take a picture"
Nita and Neal discuss the new revised menu!
Donnis figured it out... Two Bug Mac;s, hold the opossum!
We brought our own Bread Judge!
Linda pops in for a quick visit...
The party can now officially begin! Bob and Donna are here!
A combination St. Patrick's Day and Easter shirt!
Nita tries to order a "We reserve the
right to refuse service to anyone"
well done
We had many folks with us tonight!
Bill and Ellen have brand new smart phones!
Lisa and Chuck joined us for the evening!
Handsome devil he is!
Bunnaford and John sneak in a dance!
All smiles!
Lamb chops were outstanding
Tell provides teaching lessons on the cheap!
So... If there are five people doing the ten step is it a fifty step??
"We are doing the 11 1/2 step polka!"
Around and around we go!
"Stop I give up... Getting dizzy!"
Lisa joins in with a great instructor!
"Beep Beep... Beep Beep... The Polka People go Beep Beep Beep"
Super Steve in action
The faster he toots... The faster they go!
Group #1 is in the lead
Group #2 and #3 are catching up!
Brigitte and Vicky...
Bob relaxing between dances!
They both got new cell phones and can text each other!
Chuck... He is about to go dancing!
"Gary, Paul needs some help with that dance step!"
"Follow my lead!"
We are going well!
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