It's Greek Adventure Time July 6th 2015

We Are Off To "Taverna Tony's" (Page One)

We met at our place and departed from there at 10:30. Donna, Hans and Mike departed from Donna's house and we all arrived within minutes of each other in Malibu... Excellent coordination and planning!

Remember to have your volume control turned up!!!

Greek adventure July 2015

Let's Get Underway!

Greek adventure July 2015
We departed after visiting Logan and his Grandma

Greek adventure July 2015
Into the van we go!

Greek adventure July 2015
We had a super time yakking the entire time!
45 minutes went quickly!

Greek adventure July 2015
First Stop... Malibu Civic Center and Taverna Tony's

Did You Know? - In the heart of the Malibu Civic Center, nestled against the majestic mountains and just a stone's throw from the beach lies the Malibu Country Mart, California's premier location for shopping, dining, and relaxing.

Removed from the stress and cookie-cutter selection of your typical shopping experience, the Malibu Country Mart features unique and upscale boutiques, art galleries, restaurants, and personal services set in an astoundingly beautiful atmosphere.

Greek adventure July 2015
"It was Mr. Toad's wild ride!"

Greek adventure July 2015
It was a cool day along the beach! Almost 70 degrees out!

Greek adventure July 2015
The head "food decision maker" must be rested....
She has a big job ahead of her!

Greek adventure July 2015
Jon checks everything out and locks up

Did You Know? - Malibu Country Mart may have lost a beloved indie bookshop, but it's scoring another friendly tome-filled boutique in its place. As mentioned, non-cheesy souvenir and gift shop Burro (formerly Firefly) took over Diesel's vacated space, which reopened its doors yesterday.

Filled with "novelty items and artisan goods for 'independent thinkers,'" the boutique offers curated selection of stylish and whimsical merch from a host of labels both local and global. Expect to find jewelry from designer Zoe Chicco and Dogeared, home goods and accessories by Graf & Lantz, leather carryalls by Baggu, plus books, stationery, art, children's clothing and toys, vintage decor, and much more. After the original location on Abbot Kinney, the Malibu shop is Burro's second LA store.

Greek adventure July 2015
They peeked in!

Greek adventure July 2015
The "newbies" inspect the fountain

Greek adventure July 2015
Greg is up to something!   We think he is humming "Three Coins In The Fountain"

Greek adventure July 2015
We enter Tony's (We took the side entrance)

Greek adventure July 2015
We arrived first and they had the table ready for us!

Greek adventure July 2015
Hans, Mike, and Donna arrive within a few minutes of us!

Greek adventure July 2015
"Hans up!"   no... "Hands up"

Greek adventure July 2015
"We made it..."

Greek adventure July 2015
This is all ours??

Greek adventure July 2015
Donna and her escorts for the day!

Did You Know? - The Greeks say...

1. A Greek doesn't say "I have no idea what's going on"…she says "I've lost my eggs and baskets" (ἐχω χἀσει τα αυγἀ και τα καλἀθια).

2. A Greek doesn't just "make your life hell"…he "makes your life a roller skate" (σου κἀνει την ζωἠ πατἰνι).

3. In Greece, a situation doesn't just "get out of hand"…it turns into "a whore's fencepost" (της πουτἀνας το κἀγκελο).

4. A Greek isn't just "doing nothing"…he's "swatting flies" (βαρἀει μὐγες).

5. A Greek house isn't just "messy"…it's a "brothel" (μπουρδἐλο).

6. A Greek isn't just "very busy"…she's "running without arriving" (τρἐχει και δεν φτἀνει).

7. A Greek doesn't just "irritate you"…she "breaks your nerves" (σου σπἀει τα νεὐρα).

8. In Greece, something isn't "unbearable…it "can't be fought" (δεν παλεὐεται).

Greek adventure July 2015
"Let's eat!"

Greek adventure July 2015
Jon watches the "old people" cavort

Did You Know? - With an area of 50,949 square miles (131,958 square kilometers), Greece is roughly the size of Alabama. The population of Greece is more than 10 million people.—comparatively, the population of Alabama is around 4.5 million.f

Greek adventure July 2015
Jon and Greg have seen each other every day since Jon arrived

Greek adventure July 2015
Mike closes his eyes and attempts to imagine what will happen next!

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
"Hey there... I will be watching you guys... You look suspicious!"

Greek adventure July 2015
Hans attempts to read the menu in Greek!

Did You Know? - Approximately 16.5 million tourists visit Greece each year, more than the country's entire population. Tourism constitutes nearly 16% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Greece has more international airports than most countries because so many foreign tourists want to visit.

Greek adventure July 2015
"This is looking good!"

Greek adventure July 2015
Jon and Mike.... Take note!

Greek adventure July 2015
Since Jon does construction he ignored the last cartoon

Did You Know? - In the 1950s, only about 30% of Greek adults could read and write. Now, the literacy rate is more than 95%.

Greek adventure July 2015
We are here! Yeah!

Greek adventure July 2015
Paul was prepared for seafood today

Greek adventure July 2015
Paul was dressed for the occasion!

Did You Know? - NOTE TO JON.... Retirement homes are rare in Greece. Grandparents usually live with their children's family until they die. Most young people live with their families until they marry.

Greek adventure July 2015
Decisions decisions

Greek adventure July 2015
We will wake you up in a bit!

Greek adventure July 2015
Paul helps.... Yeah, right!  He attempted to argue with Irene

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
"...and what delights would you like little boy?"

Time For A Toast

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
Clink clink clink! Love those real glasses!

Greek adventure July 2015
Reaching across the aisle

Did You Know? - Greeks do not wave with an open hand. In fact, it is considered an insult to show the palm of he hand with the fingers extended. Greeks wave with the palm closed
After giving a compliment, Greeks make a puff of breath through pursed lips, as if spitting. This is meant to protect the person receiving the compliment from the "evil eye."

Greek adventure July 2015
Just one more...

Greek adventure July 2015
Paul gets a new glass for every toast!

Greek adventure July 2015
Irene makes the order... Scares our waitress!

Greek adventure July 2015
We love seeing Old Glory

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
No truth to the rumor Mike wanted to take the pole home!

Greek adventure July 2015
Greg approached the pole from a different way

Greek adventure July 2015
Hans took the direct approach!

Greek adventure July 2015
Wally fell in love!

Greek adventure July 2015
Ghislaine did it right!

Greek adventure July 2015
...and was asked to do it again!

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
OMG! The cheese is on fire

Greek adventure July 2015
Mike was attempting to put the fire out!

Greek adventure July 2015
Last time Irene ordered it was after two glasses of wine....
Today Irene ordered first.... Whew!

Greek adventure July 2015
Opa! Great fun!

Did You Know? - Opa! (Greek: Ώπα), is a common Greek verbal emotional expression used frequently during celebrations or dancing in Greece. Sometimes Opa can be used while eating dinner as a form of cheers to the chef. In the Greek culture, the expression sometimes accompanies plate smashing (purposeful or unintentional).

It is also used during weddings or when people are dancing.

The original meaning of the word is "I'm going to crumb" or "Whoops this doesn't normally happen!".

Greek adventure July 2015
Wally is not worried at all!

Time To Dine!

Greek adventure July 2015
Fries with eyes!

Greek adventure July 2015
The table fills up quickly

Greek adventure July 2015
Hans says "Where is the sauerkraut?"

Greek adventure July 2015
"Dang... This is good!"

Did You Know? - Greek's highest elevation is the legendary home of Zeus and other Olympian gods and goddesses, Mount Olympus at 9,750 feet (2,917 meters). Its lowest elevation is the Mediterranean Sea, or sea level.

Greek adventure July 2015
Greg is curious how so much food could disappear!

Greek adventure July 2015
Stories are told and re-told!

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
"A new adventure.... I love Greek food!"

Greek adventure July 2015
The wine is flowing....

Greek adventure July 2015
Singing shall begin in a few minutes

Greek adventure July 2015
Donna 'splains champagne

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
Mike takes it all in!

Greek adventure July 2015
Tell me a Greek joke!

Did You Know? -

1) You're 5'4″, can bench press 325 pounds, shave twice a day, but you still cry when your mother yells at you.

2) Your uncle owns a restaurant, has $300,000 in the bank, but still drives a '76 Monte Carlo.

3) You share a bathroom with your 5 brothers, have no money, but drive a $45,000 Camaro.

4) Your mechanic, plumber, electrician, accountant and travel agent are all blood relatives.

5) You have a relative that has done something that required the IRS to threaten him.

6) Your 2 best friends are your cousin and brother-in-law's brother-in-law.

7) You are a card-carrying V.I.P at more than 3 dance clubs.

8) Despite the hair on your back, you still try to impress the ladies by wearing your "Just Do Me" tank top to Wasaga.

9) At least 5 of your cousins live on your street.

10) All 5 of those cousins are named after your grandfather.

11) A high school diploma and 1 year of community college has earned you the title of "professor" among your aunts.

12) You are on a first name basis with at least 8 banquet hall owners.

13) If someone in your family grows beyond 5′ 9″, it is presumed his mother had an affair.

14) There are more than 28 people in your bridal party.

15) You netted more than $50,000 on your baptism.

16) At some point in your life, you waited tables.

17) 30 years after immigrating, your parents still say "Embros" when answering the phone.

18) You are an adult and are forced to be with your family at 12 midnight on New Year's Eve.

19) Upon meeting another Greek, one of your first questions is, "what church do you go to"?

20) Your grandmother/mother/aunt has a miracle cure for every ailment under the sun.

21) You can name any or all of the gods on Mount Olympus.

Greek adventure July 2015
"Greg! I got most of those!"

Greek adventure July 2015
Do we have to exchange our money yet?

Greek adventure July 2015
Higher mathematics underway!

Greek adventure July 2015
"That's one for me and one for you!"

Greek adventure July 2015
We watered the flowers!

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
The girls get started!

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
Mike needs a lesson!

Greek adventure July 2015
"Did I get it right? Stomp lift jump stomp?"

Greek adventure July 2015
Hans adds a little polka flavor to the mix

Greek adventure July 2015
We are ready to compete now!

Greek adventure July 2015
"This is easy!"

Greek adventure July 2015
Paul and Mike do a duet!

Greek adventure July 2015
Watch out for flying shoes

Greek adventure July 2015
Greg joins the fun

Greek adventure July 2015
We skipped dessert because the Greeks have a hard time with pie!

Greek adventure July 2015
Bye until next time!

Did You Know? - The Greek flag is includes nine blue-and-white horizontal stripes, which some scholars say stand for the nine syllables of the Greek motto "Eleftheria i Thanatos" or "Freedom or Death." Blue represents Greece's sea and sky, while white stands for the purity of the struggle of freedom. In the upper left-hand corner is the traditional Greek Orthodox cross.

Greek adventure July 2015
Perhaps some shopping before we depart?

Greek adventure July 2015
Yeah... Right!

Greek adventure July 2015
The ladies get tickled!

Greek adventure July 2015
What is he/she doing?

Greek adventure July 2015
Irene... Behave yourself!

Greek adventure July 2015

Greek adventure July 2015
Paul sets up the camera

Greek adventure July 2015
We found someone to take the shot

Greek adventure July 2015
All smiles... They know wine is nearby

Greek adventure July 2015
Wave to Bob! We miss you!

Greek adventure July 2015
Head 'em up... Move 'em out

Greek adventure July 2015
The statue is still doing fine

Greek adventure July 2015
Jon gives it a try!

Greek adventure July 2015
The guys give it a try!

Greek adventure July 2015
What an outstanding group!!

Greek adventure July 2015
To the cars... Off we go!

Greek adventure July 2015