The Dinner-Dance Continues (Page Two)
Donna and Bob show us how it is done
Giggles underway
Irene makes the evening special
What is that on the table? Dessert?
Brian brings us the "Stiff Upper Lip"
"P-s-s-s-s-s-t.... Don't do anything Paul would not do!"
"M-m-m-m-m-m... Maybe I should have not said that!"
The man with a horn... We call hi,
"We are doing to Tango ChaCha"
"No you don't big boy.... Back to the dance floor"
Must be discussing golf...
Time for a hug!
The airplane shirt was for Brian
"Quick... Look.. The polka is underway!"
Del leads the way!
"This is puzzling!"
Turn up the speed....
On the seventeenth lap they begin to slow down
Bob really thinks this will make Donna tired.....
Wally and Don deep in conversation.... But what about??
"Oh... Hi there!"
The girls seem to be deep in conversation also...
Steve must be taking a break
is ready to dance... Or sing
"No honestly... No calories in this cake!"
Brian tells them about what jet lag was like in the "old days"
Sitting back and enjoying life
Paul and Sue enjoying our friends
Fresh from "The Old World"
With this group, the giggles never stop
Coordinating the rest of the week
"Anyone loose a shoe? Oh, it's mine!"
Donna left her new dancing shoes in the car!
"Hey... Let me see the new shoes...."
"Getting ready to head out... Need more sleep!"
Does this pose look normal or what?
Words of wisdom emanate from Leon in a moments notice
"Finally the herd is thinning out!"
"I am practicing my scary look for Halloween"
Teri popped in for a quick visit...
Bunnaford has a video...
Heading For Home
Going home...
Even the wine cabinet is decorated