Our Family Birthdays Are Busy In September

Nothing Else Counts In This World!   

September 17th And We Celebrate Pete, Lis, Zack, and Nick At ORCC

Great time for Colleen and Calhan to visit as we have our annual September Birthday blast with the family. Please join the fun!

Today's birthdays (in age order) are Lisa (sorry girl), Pete, Zachary, and Nick.  Felipe is in there somewhere!

We met at Old Ranch Country Club on Saturday afternoon where it is quiet and we have a great view.

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Click for full sized image

Birthday Quote To Remember: - The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive. ~G.K. Chesterton, "Our Birthday," 1935

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
We await the herd...

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Hey... It is warm and sunny here! I must be home"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The babies have two speed!  Stop and 90 miles an hour with breaks for eating!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Becca and Zack watch the varmints

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Calhan visits his Aunt Becca

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Mothers... Count your kids when you leave... Irene is here!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Quite a conversation underway!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Look Miss Irene... People hitting a little white ball with a stick!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Three cuties!

  September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
One proud Grandpa

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"My hands are full"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Decisions decisions!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Peace and quiet

Birthday Quote To Remember: - The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive. ~G.K. Chesterton, "Our Birthday," 1935

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Listening intently

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Not so sure

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Who? Me?"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Now I have the energy to chase both of them!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
" M-m-m-m-m-m-m What should I do? "

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Are you sure I can't take one home with me?"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

Birthday Quote To Remember: - You are only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely. ~Ogden Nash

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Calhan! You ready to rumble?"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"I will take it easy on you Grandpa!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Transfer in progress"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"OK Gramps.... Let's go!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"It's OK, I only have 354 more pictures to go!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Bob is surrounded by "The Grandma Gang"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Oh oh... Pete seems to be out of breath!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Gotcha! Look at those smiles!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Thank you Robin... Calhan about wore me out!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Watcha doing Nick?"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Time to eat... Lilly will provide assistance!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Zack is saving his energy so he can blow out the candles!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
What is this in front of me?

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Yes... I do talk to my wine"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
... and the wine talks to her!

Birthday Quote To Remember: - The first fact about the celebration of birthdays is that it is a good way of affirming defiantly, and even flamboyantly, that it is a good thing to be alive. ~G.K. Chesterton, "Our Birthday," 1935

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Representing almost 150 years of age... We won't give any ages away!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Calhan is off and running!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Who has the biggest smile? Grandpa Pete or Baby Calhan?

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"I am Mighty Mouse"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Stories are told of days gone bye...

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Say goodbye to this beautiful cake

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The birthday kids (Lilly can celebrate anytime)
Nick - Zachary - Lisa - Pete

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Pete! Wait for the candles!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Always room for one more.... Happy Birthday Felipe!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The candles are carefully placed

He is just around the corner in case!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Felipe, Nick, Zack, Lisa, and Windy (Pete)

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
We told Lisa's age out loud and the candle exploded!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Fortunately... We brought in a ringer.... Our own wind machine!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Sylvia has a Masters Degree in cake cutting

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Here it goes

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The way to get a big slice

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Always a smile!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Grandpa... Some one said GROUP PICTURE! Betcha I can beat you there!"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The sound you hear is the sound barrier being broken!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The group has collected in one single spot

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
You might need a score sheet to tell the players... Left to Right

Sue - Great Grandma
Paul Great Grandpa
Lilly - Great Granddaughter
Zachary - Grandson
Rebecca - Granddaughter-in-law
Greg - The brother Paul never had
Connor - Grandson and Zachary's brother
Luisa - Dear friend of the family (and also a Grandma)
Lisa - Pete's wife (and also a Grandma)
Pete - "Ex" Son in law and Calhan's Grandpa
Robin - Daughter
Nick - Grandson
Bob - Robin's husband and our son-in-law
Calhan - Great Grandson
Colleen - Daughter and Grandma to Calhan, and
Irene - The sister Paul never had

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
So much cake we had to "bag it"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Calhan gives them a hand setting up the next event

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Always a smile and a nice word for all!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The pelican's look for the next meal!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
"Grandpa... Do Pelicans really talk?"

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
Lisa and Luisa... Parting ways until next time

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club
The ladies got the memo!

September 2016 join birthday party at Old Ranch Country Club