Paul Has Cousins!

Nothing Else Counts In This World!   

From The Liles Side Of The Family

Dad had four siblings and two step-siblings! Mary Cook married Grover Clifton Liles but he passed soon after they were married...around 1912. She remarried Charles Essig around 1914 and they had two children, Helen and _____.

From dad's side of the family we have:

From Sister Opal Robinson

One cousin, Kathryn Robinson (Deceased). "Kat" never married and lived in Paramount until she finally moved to a senior care facility. After her parents passed, Sue and I took care of her until she needed to move to get full time care. She passed at 93 of a heart attack and was never sick in her life.

She has a site on our website devoted to her.

Sue and Kat in 2007

From Sister Edith Parchman

One Cousin, Claudia O'Toole. Claudia lives in Paramount just a few miles away but we seldom see each other as she has a large family and is quite bust with church activities. It generally takes a death or some other major event for us to get together.

She just turned 75 in 2019 and is six months older than me. She has four son's and a passel of grand and great granschildren.

From Alma Mall

Aunt Alma and Normal Mall had three children...three cousins. Aunt Alma began having kids well ahead of her siblings (Paul, Edith, and Opal) so were were never that close as they were fifteen years older than me. While we got together on family occasions, they were adults when we were still running around as kids.

Norman and Alma would come out to visit and Mom and Dad would take them around town. This was our visit to CBS Television City just behind the Farmer's Market in Los Angeles.

Jo Anne, Aunt Alma, and James Ray circa 1955?
(Click for full sized image)

They loved deep sea fishing so Dad would take us all our on a half-day boat...leave the harbor at 2:00 am and return home about 6:00 PM. These tuna were great and there was am icehouse right down the street from Comey Avenue.

James Ray. Paul David, and Uncle Norman after
a day of deep sea fishing circa 1953
(Click for full sized image)

Gene Norml Mall (1927-2013), Jo Ann (Mall) Lancaster (1932-2013), and James Ray Mall 1935-2013). All three are deceased and passed one month apart in 2013 (March, April, and May).

James Ray, Claudia, Jo Ann, Kathryn, Paul David (circa early 1950's)
(Click for full sized image)

Gene's wife, Jen, remains with us and lives with her daughter in Azusa California. Joanne's husband Bill is also with us and lives in Orange County.


From The Lewis Side We Have Several Cousins:

There are many missing cousins which we will likely never know. Because of distances and other events, I only knew the cousins from Aunt Kay and Uncle Chuck.

From Sister Mary Katherine Hale

Kaye and her husband Raymond Hale (deceased) had Tom (Deceased) and Gayla.

Tom passed in 2017 of heart failure as the later years of his life were pretty sad and he ate himself to death after his divorce and later the loss of his adopted faughter, Megan.

We lost Tommy on September 27th at 3:00 PM

Gayla still lives in Stockton and takes care of her mother who is turning 97 in 2019.

From Chuck And Helen Lewis

Chuck and Helen Lewis had two kids both of which are in their late sixties. Paula and Ron Lewis . We have not been close and I am note sure why but it is they way life is.

Paula Morris

Ron Lewis and his wife


From Ernest and Hazel, Clara, and _________

Ernest had several children, mosty of which I never knew and are now lost in the great crowd of humanity. Earnest and Hazel had Mary Ruth Lewis and they divorced. Later, Earnest and Clara Hinkle had one daughter Joyce and they were together until Clara died. He remarried and had one son, Earnest Junior. I do know Ernie Lewis Junior.


From Carl Lewis and Anna Violet and Geraldine

They had a single child, Delores Ann (Lewis) Vincent who is alive and well living in the Bay Area with her daughter. Carl divorced Anna Violet and married Geraldine and they had two children, Carl Lewis Junior and _______

Tom Hale, _____ and _____
Aunt Kay and Delores Ann



From The Goss Side Of The Family

Sue's Mom had one brother, ________. He had six girls, fice of which are still alive and well. We do not see them anhymore as oiur political differences are dramatic and it's better to stay our distances.

Sue's Dad had a sister and they had one child. We do not know her.


My Sweet Lord