Pat and Diane joined us between Christmas and New Years and we celebrated and went to a show. We all stayed home New YEars Eve and then we all cooked Mexican food for New Years day along with the Linds. Michele joined us for a tour of the floats on the 2nd of January. It was a nice celebration.
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Sue enjoys the New Years celebrations with family and friends.
12/30/2005 - The Show - We all went to the Orange County Performing Arts Center
to see "The Boy Friend" - This colorful production of "The Boy Friend" -- Sandy Wilson's 1954 take on 1920s musicals -- has been touring the country since its August launch at Goodspeed Opera House in Connecticut, but it really does feel like a holiday presentation as it spends Christmas at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. This is a stocking stuffer of a show, a mildly nostalgic, and mildly entertaining, bauble that's been gift-wrapped with eye-popping design work and delivered with a notable dose of affection by Julie Andrews, who first appeared on Broadway in the original production and makes her directing debut with this revival.
12/30/2005 - Dinner at the Claim Jumper!
12/31/2005 - Celebration was a stay at home, watch a movie, and drink sparkling wine and opening Christmas bags
1/1/2006 - New Years Day with the Linds, Laurie, and Dave and The End
1/2/2006 - See the floats with Michele ( Page 1 and Page 2 )
The girls dig into the Christmas stockings (OK, paper bags!)
Sue in the kitchen... Everything is normal
noids irritate the trige- minal nerve cells (the pain receptors
in the mouth, nose and stomach), releasing the chemical messenger
Substance P.
This causes the brain to produce endorphins, the morphine-like natural painkillers that give the body a sense of well-being.
"runners' high" is caused by these same endorphins.
Sue and Michele taking in the parade the day afterwords