Christmas 2021 Paul Gets Older!

"Christmas is not a date. It is a state of mind." -- Mary Ellen Chase

Seventy-Seven Years And Counting

We had a small surprise party of about twenty family and friends celebrate seventy-seven years on this planet.  Mary and Colleen did all the planning and most of the work, Vicky provided adult supervision  and several excellent suggestions!

Thank you everyone for this wonderful time together!

Prior to the party commencing, Paul and Mary sit down for a few minutes to relax.

Paul really is OLD!

Remember, when Paul was born...

Average Cost of new house $3,450.00
Average wages per year $2,400.00
Average Monthly Rent $50.00 per month
Cost of a gallon of Gas 15 cents
Loaf of Bread 10 cents
Old Spice Shaving Soap $1.00
Examples of a couple of Houses for sale:
Valparaiso -- Indiana -- Farm 16 acres with 5 room home barn and 3 poultry houses $5,000
Lima -- Ohio --- Darling bungalow 2 bedrooms wood burning stove built in cupboards and attached garage $4,000

Dr.Mary visits Nick

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Dr. Mary puts Nick to work!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The Liles' have arrived; we can get started!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Nick goes first because he has worked the hardest!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Vicky provided the beautiful salad and s
sandwiches were courtesy of Mrs. Albert son!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The Chief Cook & Bottle Washer assists everyone
(What a special lady Colleen has tuned in to!)

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The buzzards circle the table.

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Mary provide dietary assistance

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Amy studies the table.

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
A conversation occurs; they determined that road-kill is not meat!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The "Little Rats" were a hit along with
Colleens Brown Sugar Bacon Wrapped Weenies!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Time for serious conversation!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The Liles Clan about to pounce onto the table

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Sit Boo Boo, Sit - Time to rest, your work is done!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Colleen enjoys the view; she can see everyone!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Meanwhile at the adults table.

We could not get a permit so no candles!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Mary's chocolate cake was amazing; it uses Jello and a secret icing recipe using eye-of-neut and bats-wings!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Dianne brought a cherry pie
The rotating service plate is 76 years old; Paul had It at his first birthday!

Paul regales the crowd of Christmas's long time ago and a galaxy far away

Paul's regaler is working overtime tonight

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Colleen's bacon wrapped wieners soaked overnight in brown sugar!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
S-h-h-h-h-h  She is going for the tomatoes she gets it!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Court is underway at the adult table

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Miss Dianne also provided some of our memorable photos this evening.

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Portrait mode now turned on!

David is happy, he got his beer!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Iris just completed her "wine tasting adventure" and will soon provide a detailed analysis of Cakebread versus Two-Buck-Chuck!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Tasting completed; Got the thumbs up!

The young and the little bit younger enjoying dessert!

"More wine please!"

Visiting begins in earnest

Meanwhile across the room son and grandson talk teckkie stuff!

Charlie, Alex, and Amy watch the adults frivolating!

OMG, I am dead in dog years!

The opening ceremony begins!

"OK, who was the wise guy that offered to help me read the big words?

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
One must be in appropriate dress to open presents
(Which include bow-rings)

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
My little Christmas buddy helped along!

Do I detect SERIOUS kibitzing coming from the audience?

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The presents kept coming; I was amazed!

Joe thinks, "OMG, I am going to look like that in a few years?"

Donna gets ready to snap a few pictures!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Capturing the moment

Cameras are popping out everywhere!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
She is capturing souls tonight!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Even the tree is happy; blinking away!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Sydney arrive-th!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Bob managers to get up from the table.

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Do NOT look at his smile, you will be turned into stone!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
The party is winding down

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
OMG, there is still candy in the candy bowl????

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
We have a neat crowd; food fights were taken outside!

Behind the scenes, Colleen is hard at work!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Saying goodbye until next week; Thursday I believe.

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Vicky does her Lucille Ball act and 'splains what happened.

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Talk require use of ones hands; perhaps Vicky is really Italian???

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Each hand motion has a meaning, this one means
"May you get the largest wave while riding your surfboard"

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Oh Dear, she is speaking Hawaiian now!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
This is a "G-Rated" site so we will not translate what is Bering said now!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
Party is over; the pie is gone!  The police are outside!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
She is now set up for an entire week!

Paul is now officially as old as dirt!
We had a wine and a good conversation before returning home