Christmas Day 2020

I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirits in jars and open a jar of it every month.

Christmas Day 2020

We kept part of the tradition by getting Chinese food and watching The Christmas Story.

No jammie pictures said Miss Mary I did not show them but they were cute.

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Mary shows off one of her Christmas presents.

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Bob inspects Scouts Moose Costume!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
We shared wine and Christmas stories!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends! Mary was the hostess with the mostess!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Mary aims to please!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
German cookies courtesy of Miss Mary

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Nick kept his mask on since he works in a public area!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Mary! You are scaring the dog!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends! Stories of Christmas gone bye

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
We got prime seats!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Who is the old bald headed guy??

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Scout loves the pool colors changing!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
What a good baby!!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
We had a load of food!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
The movie begins and we all stuff our faces!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Two sleepy people!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Miss Lilly was excited about Christmas

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
They helped us eat dinner, a tradition!!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Santa Zack watches all the activities.

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Lilly was full of wee wee and vinegar this evening!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Nick has a new friend

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Donna animates the scene!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Lilly shared her presents with everyone

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
I bet Daddy get makeup this evening!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!
Yep! There she goes!

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends! Goodnight Miss Mary

Christmas Day at the Liles' Homestead with Family and Friends!