Christmas 2020 Birthday Time

For the spirit of Christmas fulfills the greatest hunger of mankind.  ~Loring A. Schuler

Paul Is Seventy-Six Today!

Another year another dollar so they say.  It has been quite a year but life must go on and I intend to do just that. Miss Mary threw a party for Paul at her lovely home and we had Robin and Bob Duda making it even more special!

Come join the fun!

Robin arrives ahead of us and her and Scout begin the cavorting early!

Mary did not realize they were seventeen tones, seventy-two feet long, and were called "Thunder Lizard" for a reason!

Mary ordered right off their menu!

Mistake #1 - Mary placed the order... Two Brontosaurus's  to go!

What are we going to do with thirty-four tones of brontosarus meat?

For family and good friends we use the kitchen table.

Scout hears the word costume and begins to worry!

"It's OK Scout, this will not hurt!"

Hey, we  now have a pet moose!

"I do NOT get mad, I get even!!"

Mary digs into the pile of foodies!

The chef must do a taste test!

Mary has help!

Bob stays in the other room due to a COVID-19 scare at work!

The masked man... Where is Tonto?

Digging in!

Chomp Slurp Gnaw

It must be good!

Paul's plate was filled to overlflowing!

Someone likes her meal!

A few moments of quiet in memory of the Brontosaurus!

Stack them bones!

Carrot cake, good for the eyes

How lovely, oh, also the cake!


Mary has cherry pie courtesy of Colleen!

Yummy, also the pie!

Paul attacked the cherry pie but Mary saved it!

Where is the oxygen bottle when you need it?

WARNING: Stand back, Paul has had a couple of drinks!

Awe! My birthday present has arrived!

Guess what she whispered in my ear?

Here it comes!

Zack and family wanted to join the celebration so we used the Bat Phone! Remy was amazingly vocal tonight. He knew exactly what he was saying; no one else did however. We all had a good laugh!

"Hey, where is my piece of cake???"

Lilly saw Miss Mary and had to join in!

I got all excited thinking it was a Chippendales costume for men....
Do you remember Chippendales?
Then it turns out to be a chauffeurs outfit. Oh well!

A "Robin pose" was required at this moment!

What a wonderful day this has been!