Christmas 2014 Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball

There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries.  ~W.J. Cameron

Time For Fun With Friends!

Traditions are essential and going to the Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball is essential! Come join the fun!   We are indeed blessed to have such great friends!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
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Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
As we arrived Wally was so into the spirit he was whistling up a storm

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
The Whistling Boy, Frank Duveneck (1872)

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"Who? Me?"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Iris and Sue catching up on the latest

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Paul showing off his new vest thanks to dear friend Karen Graham

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Karen even made the tie! Paul is a walking work of art!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Nice table decorations

Remember the Reason For The Season....

Lighting the Hanukkah Menorah (also known as a Hanukkiyah) is one of the most important parts of celebrating the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. This ritual has been observed since the destruction of the Temple in commemoration of the miracle of the Hanukkah lights. One menorah is usually lit for the entire family, though sometimes children like to have their own menorahs to light during the holiday.

The Hanukkah menorah is usually lit after nightfall, when stars appear in the sky. Originally the menorah was then placed outside a home to the left of the doorpost, thereby positioning it opposite the mezuzah on the right. But today the lit menorah is more commonly placed in or near a window. Both options are fine since the most important thing is that passersby are able to see the lit menorah and be reminded of the Hanukkah miracle.

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Love birds in action!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Our groups answer to Agent -007
Shaken, not stirred

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Mid party we got text from our kids....
Nice to have our kids like each other so much!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
To the dance floor

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014   Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
We knows how to move

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Time out to cool down

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
One word.. Wet and cold!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Wally and Ghislene hit the floor

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Our gang brightens up the place

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Our sound-level indicator is working

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Handsome devil

A Prayer for Christmas Morning by Robert Louis Stevenson

The day of joy returns, Father in Heaven, and crowns another year with peace and good will.

Help us rightly to remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men.

Close the doors of hate and open the doors of love all over the world?

Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting.

Deliver us from evil, by the blessing that Christ brings, and teach us to be merry with clean hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children,

And the Christmas evening bring us to our bed with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus? sake.

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Simply miles of smiles

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"Wait right there... We have to dance to this song!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014   Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
It must be a special song!

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Dapper Paul & Sue

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Bob is beginning to cool off now... Coat is gone

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"It's a new Japanese camera! Press the button and it goes crick"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Wally gives lessons in camera operation

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"You are on Candid Camera"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
What are these two up to???

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Conversations are continuous amongst good friends

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"Leon is dancing too fast for me!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Donna and Bob demonstrate the proper way to do the Hokey-Pokey

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Our Champions

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"Thank you... He has slowed down... Needs more food!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Providing adult supervision a minute at a time

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Dashing figure.... Oops! Make that Dancer figure

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014   Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
Bob could also preach this evening with his shawl

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
We know what you are up to.... We think?

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"P-s-s-s-s-t Wally, shall I do it??"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
"I am watching you!"

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014
The band plays on

Santa Ana Elks Christmas Ball 12/29/2014