Our 2014 Feuerzangenbowle Tradition Continues

"The one thing women don't want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their husband."

Let The Tradition Get Underway

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Did You Know? - Feuerzangenbowle is a traditional German alcoholic drink for which a rum-soaked sugarloaf is set on fire and drips into mulled wine. It is often part of a Christmas or New Year's Eve tradition. The name translates literally to fire-tongs punch.

A Quick Overview Of A Wonderful Evenins With Friends

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Click to see full sized 3600 x 2400 image

Time To Party

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Brian and Jan arrived a bit early to catch up on things

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Sharon and Curt are ready to partee

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Archie has a million friends

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Who says men can't wear great artistic shirts??

Dinner Gets Underway

Did You Know? - Goulash (Hungarian: gulyás) is a soup or stew of meat and vegetables, seasoned with paprika and other spices. Originating from the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, goulash is also a popular meal in Central Europe, Scandinavia and Southern Europe.

Its origin traces back to the 9th century. The cooked and flavored meat was dried with the help of the sun and packed into bags produced from sheep's stomachs, needing only water to make it into a meal. It is one of the national dishes of Hungary and a symbol of the country.

In Germany, Gulasch is a beef (Rindergulasch), venison (Hirschgulasch), or wild boar (Wildschweingulasch) stew that may include red wine and is usually served with potatoes or dumplings. Gulaschsuppe is the same concept served as a soup, but then usually with bread.

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kerstin and Hans out did themselves... We went through about ten gallons of
beef soup... Perfect for a cold winter night... Also suitable for California

Thedens Christmas Celebration
It got quiet all of a sudden

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Almost to pretty to eat...
Simply wonderful

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Now we have heard of everything

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Our vegetarian approves of the aroma

Thedens Christmas Celebration
It's magic... The soup disappeared

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"We be stuffed"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
We are having a load of fun but Hans and Kerstin are hard at work

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Our hosts kept busy all evening

The Thedens Secret Ingredient Is Love

Did You Know? - Ingredients: For 10-12 glasses - Takes about 30 minutes

2 oranges (unwaxed and untreated if possible)
2 lemons (unwaxed and untreated if possible)
3 bottles red wine, not a light wine (2 to 3 litres)
2 sticks cinnamon, about 2-3 inches long
5 cloves
1 tsp ground ginger or 1 tsp allspice
½ lb sugar cone (Zuckerhut), a solid piece of sugar, or ½ lb sugar cubes
1 bottle brown rum (at least 54% alcohol otherwise it will not flame, but anything over 60% gives a very high flame)

Wash the oranges and lemons thoroughly, dry and cut into thin slices.

Put red wine, oranges, lemons, cinnamon and cloves into a large pot. Heat slowly until just below boiling point, do not allow to boil.

It is a fun experience to sit around the pot while the sugar melts and drips into the wine, so if you have a fondue heater or something similar, and would like to use the Feuerzangenbowle as a table centre piece, the pot can be removed from the heat at this point and put onto the alternative heating source. Add the ginger or all spice.

Place the sugar loaf or sugar cubes above the red wine mixture (about 1 inch above the surface). In Germany there are special "fire tongs" made for this purpose, however a grate, a plain aluminum cooling rack, fish rack from a barbecue or wire netting can be substituted.

Soak the sugar loaf or sugar cubes with rum and light up the alcohol. The safest way is to put rum into a small metal scoop or large spoon and light it away from the Feuerzangenbowle, then pouring the flaming liquid over the sugar. The sugar will begin to melt into a runny caramel and drip into the mulled wine punch. Make sure that the hot melting sugar can not drip outside the pot, and as the flame dies away add rum gradually to keep the fire burning until all the sugar has melted.

Remove Feuerzangenbowle from heat, stir gently, add a measure of additional rum stir once more and serve.

Remove spices and fruit, the orange or lemon wedges can be added to individual servings, or they can also be put on one side to used sometime later as a dessert with a dash of cream.

Serve your Feuerzangenbowle in heatproof glasses or mugs.

Time To Get Setup For The Lighting Of The Sugar

Thedens Christmas Celebration
We need mulled wine... The official "Mull-zoologist" is hard at work

Did You Know? - Mulled wine is a beverage usually made with red wine along with various mulling spices and raisins. It is served hot or warm and may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. It is a traditional drink during winter, especially around Christmas and Halloween.

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"The smile is an essential ingredient"

Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration
It cooked all afternoon

Thedens Christmas Celebration
We are all awaiting the arrival of the sugar cones

Thedens Christmas Celebration    Thedens Christmas Celebration
You can get in on-line at German Deli

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The bowl is added and now we must lite the candles

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kerstin brings in the cones... Carefully as they break easily

Thedens Christmas Celebration
It is indeed a cone... Needs to be examined after all... We
worked all day in the sugar mines to get this!

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
All wrapped up... Soon Mr. Cone will providing great entertainment

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"I will help by opening the sugar cone and putting it on the plank!"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kathy attempted opening the cone... It came out in pieces

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Don't worry Kathy... It will melt just fine"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
This cracked us up!

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"It's OK.. I can dig out the pieces"

Thedens Christmas Celebration   Thedens Christmas Celebration   Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
All the kings horses and
All the kings men
Couldn't put the sugar cone
Back in shape again!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Brian has a friend
Dori tries to warn him

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The candles are lit... We are ready to go

Soak The Sugar... Carefully

Did You Know? - Feuerzangenbowle is prepared in a bowl, similar to a fondue set, which usually is suspended over a small burner (rechaud). The bowl is filled with heated dry red wine spiced with cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and orange peel, similar to mulled wine.

The Feuerzange was originally a pair of tongs, but nowadays it is common for a purpose-designed metal grate mounted on top of the bowl to hold the Zuckerhut (sugarloaf or literally "sugar hat"), a sugar cone around seven inches long.

The sugar is soaked with rum and set alight, melting and caramelizing. The rum should have at least 54% alcohol per volume and be at room temperature in order to burn properly. More rum is poured with a ladle until all the sugar has melted and mixed with the wine.

The resulting punch is served in mugs while the burner keeps the bowl warm. For some the ceremony is more important than the drink itself, celebrating the gathering of friends and conveying a notion of Gemütlichkeit.

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Mulled wine gets placed in the device...

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Hey... I did it!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
One-fifty-one rum on its way... Ladle in hand
Fire Extinguisher near by

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Glug glug glug... The sugar is now very happy

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Soaked to the bone

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kathy's cone is feeling no pain now

Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration

Did You Know? - As with all high-alcohol beverages, Bacardi 151 is flammable. Bacardi 151 has multiple warnings on the label of the bottle stating that it should not be ignited or exposed to an open flame.

Bottles are also equipped with a stainless steel flame arrester crimped onto to the neck of the bottle to prevent the rum from igniting, in case a consumer or bartender ignores the warnings and applies the rum to a source of ignition (e.g. a flaming pan or dish, a flambé).

 Despite the warnings against ignition and the flame arrester, consumers have claimed to have been burned by bartenders who ignored the warnings, removed the flame arrester, and exposed the bottle to an open flame.

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"This is One-Fifty-One"

Did You Know? - In a spectacular display of a love for rum, the infamous Admiral Nelson who died in the Battle of Trafalgar, had his body preserved in a cask of rum before it was finally laid to rest. Accounts differ as to whether the cask was full or mostly empty at the time, but we do know for sure rum was referred to as 'Nelson's Blood' for a period of time after the incident!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Dori and Roy cannot wait...

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Hans soaks the sugar cone with the elixir

Did You Know? - The most expensive rum in the world lacks a specific name but more than makes up for it in price. Bottled in the 1940s by the Jamaican distillers Wray and Nephew, it contains blends that are believed to date as far back as 1915.

The bottle was displayed at Europe's first Rum Festival (RumFest), and there are only four such bottles remaining in the world, which represent the lost tradition of Wray and Nephew. They are valued at a whopping $40,000 a bottle!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Hans is pouring $40,000/bottle rum..."

Thedens Christmas Celebration
It is now soaked in rum

Thedens Christmas Celebration
It looks so innocent just sitting there

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kathy's cone is busted... We won't know when the lights go off

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"We are ready"

Lights Out... Fire Away...

German Christmas Celebration
No marshmellows tonight

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The fire department is waiting outside

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Flames shoot into the sky...

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Applause come from the guests... OK, who yelled "Ole"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Blue flames were magnificent

Did You Know? - This is due to incandescence of very fine soot particles that are produced in the flame. With increasing oxygen supply, less black body-radiating soot is produced due to a more complete combustion and the reaction creates enough energy to excite and ionize gas molecules in the flame, leading to a blue appearance.

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Hans added some additional 151 to the sugar...

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Hans is a master at this tradition

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The sugar begins to melt and drip into the mulled wine

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The mulled wine is nice and warm

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Fire is lowering... Time for a fill-up

Thedens Christmas Celebration
One more little splash....

Thedens Christmas Celebration
... maybe I meant big splash

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Perfect... Sugar is dripping... Mouths are watering!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Just one more... Please!"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
A warming glow...

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Time To Enjoy The Results

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The results are spooned out CAREFULLY into heat-proof cups

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Hans has his serious face on... Cannot spill a single drop

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Who wants to be first?"

Did Someone Say "After Dinner Drinks"?

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Dessert is delivered

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The precision of a surgeon

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Why yes... I will do the official taste testing!"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kerstin explains where she got the eye of knewt and frogs teeth

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kerstin made the evening so delightful

Thedens Christmas Celebration
After two cups of the mulled wine, we must hold up the walls

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"I can see it now... The Fire Department arriving"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Take it away Hans..."

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"I am working on my after-dinner drink glow... It's working"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Here's to you"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"So... you use three eyes-of-newt for every quart of wine"

Dessert Is Served

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Hans and Kerstin could not believe they landed on a dessert island

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Follow me into the kitchen... It's serve yourself"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
John makes the first cut

Did You Know? - The Bundt cake derives in part from a European brioche-like fruit cake called Gugelhupf which was popular among Jewish communities in parts of Germany, Austria and Poland

Thedens Christmas Celebration
He has experience

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
The lift must be done at precisely 14"/second

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Geri selects the olive and anchovy ice-cream

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Caution... Men at work

Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
All eyes on Curt

After Dinner & Dessert Drinks

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Brian led the way....

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Dessert and then after dessert drinks, right?"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Visiting is underway

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Archie and Brian had something going

Thedens Christmas Celebration   Thedens Christmas Celebration   Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kathy is waiting to hear Brian's story on Saturday morning

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Ed is a gentleman, he reads the labels first...
The bottle talks back to him!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Brian explains "after dinner drinks"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Enjoying the evening

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"What is wrong with my head??"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Kathy... What was in that last one?

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Brian shows us his tasting prowess

Thedens Christmas Celebration
All smiles...

Thedens Christmas Celebration
That after glow is beginning to show

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Hans... The label says "Do Not Open Within 50 Feet Of A Fire"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Just one more...."

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Thumb is broken.... Can I get an IV?"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kathy discovers Fire Ball

Thedens Christmas Celebration

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Kathy and Brian show the proper way to hold an digestif glass

Did You Know? - A digestif is an alcoholic beverage served after a meal, in theory to aid digestion. When served after a coffee course, it may be called pousse-café. Digestifs are usually taken straight.

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Does Archie want a drink?"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"Guaranteed 300 proof!"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
"What was in the last boggle?"

Thedens Christmas Celebration
Brian is doing well... He is talking into the garage door opener!

Thedens Christmas Celebration
One for the road

Thedens Christmas Celebration
We definitely had a great time

Thedens Christmas Celebration