The Finch Christmas Party Gets Into Full Seing

"It is not even the beginning of Christmas unless it is Christmas in the heart." -- Richard Roberts

And Evening With The Finch's (Page Four)

Finch Christmas PArty
"I decided to switch to champagne.... hic!"

Did you know? - The champagne flûte (fr. Flûte à Champagne) is a stem glass with a tall, narrow bowl. The bowl of a flute may resemble a narrow wine glass as seen in the illustration; or a trumpet shape; or be very narrow and straight-sided.

As with other stemware, the stem allows the drinker to hold the glass without affecting the temperature of the drink. The bowl is designed to retain champagne's signature carbonation, by reducing the surface area at the opening of the bowl. The flute has largely replaced the champagne coupe or saucer, the shape of which allowed carbonation to dissipate even more rapidly than from a standard wine glass. Its smaller diameter also allows more flutes to be carried on a tray.

Nucleation in a champagne glass helps form the bubbles seen in champagne. Too much nucleation will cause the carbonation to fizzle out quickly. A smoother surface area will produce fewer bubbles in the glass, and more bubble texture in the taster's mouth.

While most commonly used for sparkling wines, flutes are also used for certain beers, especially Belgian lambic and gueuze, which are brewed with wild yeast and often fruited. The tart flavor of these beers, coupled with their carbonation, makes them similar to sparkling white wines, and the champagne flute an ideal choice of glassware ~ Wikipedia

Finch Christmas Party
Now this is a glass!

Party time at the Finch's
"It's time toast Jan"

Remember: There is still no cure for the common birthday. ~John Glenn

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's
Now Ed switched

Party time at the Finch's
Happy birthday Jan

The Year Jan Was Born

War in Korea.

Confirmation of Hydrogen Bomb Programme by President Truman.

Credit card system introduced in America.

Pucci opened the Fashion House of Emilio Pucci.

Mass production of computers began.

First organ transplant takes place.

The world population numbers 2.52 billion. (World population now estimated at  6,442,515,501 (CIA))

1 in 7 UK families owned a car.

Average UK annual salary £101.

USA average annual salary $2992 - when dollars were $4 to £1

Party time at the Finch's
"Yes Paul... I polished off the entire ham!"

Did you know? - Plum puddings are a very rich, dark pudding made with all sorts of dried fruits, nuts, spices, black treacle and lots sherry or brandy. They are made well before Christmas as it takes time for the alcohol to soak into the dried fruit, however nowadays most people buy them from a supermarket. They are steamed when first made, and re-steamed on Christmas Day before being served with a sweet white sauce or brandy butter. If the pudding is made at home, everyone in the household must take it in turns to stir the pudding and make a wish, the mixture should be stirred from east to west, in honour of the three wise men.

Party time at the Finch's
Santa is here early!

Singing Happy Birthday

Party time at the Finch's
I'm sixty years of age. That's 16 Celsius. ~George Carlin

Did you know? - Pantomime or "panto" is traditionally performed at Christmas, with family audiences consisting mainly of children and parents. British pantomime is now a popular form of theatre, incorporating song, dance, buffoonery, slapstick, in-jokes, audience participation, and mild sexual innuendo. There are a number of traditional story-lines, and there is also a fairly well-defined set of performance conventions. Many theatres in cities and provincial towns throughout the United Kingdom continue to have an annual pantomime and it is very popular with Amateur Dramatics societies. The Pantomime season lasts from around December to February. You should be able to see pantomime productions in many village halls and similar venues across the country.

Party time at the Finch's  Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
Q&A Time

Remember: If the French were really intelligent, they'd speak English. Wilfred Sheed

Remember: An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one. George Mikes

Finch Christmas Party   Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Did you know? - Domestication of pigs for food dates back to 4900 B.C. in China and by 1500 B.C., Europe had followed suit. Although Christopher Columbus had eight pigs on board when he left Spain for the new world, it is explorer Hernando de Soto whose 13 pigs became the breeding stock for America's pork industry. By the 17th century, most American farmers raised pigs. The shelf-life of salt pork and bacon made both staple in most kitchens.

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
"My plate is empty"

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
Herb is chowing down

Time To Sing Happy Birthday

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
What did she say?

Party time at the Finch's
Now she is tickled

Party time at the Finch's
It's infectious

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's
Dessert is served

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's
DO NOT make her mad

Did you know? - The knife plays a significant role in some cultures through ritual and superstition, as the knife was an essential tool for survival since early man. Knife symbols can be found in various cultures to symbolize all stages of life; for example, a knife placed under the bed while giving birth is said to ease the pain, or, stuck into the headboard of a cradle, to protect the baby.; knives were included in some Anglo-Saxon burial rites, so the dead would not be defenseless in the next world. The knife plays an important role in some initiation rites, and many cultures perform rituals with a variety of knives, including the ceremonial sacrifices of animals. Samurai warriors, as part of bushido, could perform ritual suicide, or seppuku, with a tantō, a common Japanese knife. An athame, a ceremonial black-handled knife, is used in Wicca and derived forms of neopagan witchcraft.

In Greece a black-handled knife placed under the pillow is used to keep away nightmares. As early as 1646 reference is made to a superstition of laying a knife across another piece of cutlery being a sign of witchcraft. A common belief is that if a knife is given as a gift, the relationship of the giver and recipient will be severed. Something such as a small coin, dove or a valuable item is exchanged for the gift, rendering "payment."

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's
"So, what kind of wine are you guys drinking?"

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's
"Mine!  Not Brian's... Mine!"

Who Is Whom??

OK, several of us followed instructions and brought pictures of ourselves as kids...

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Finch Christmas Party
Paul always loved rope

Finch Christmas Party

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Party time at the Finch's

Finch Christmas Party  Finch Christmas Party
Kathy and Ed


Party time at the Finch's

Did you know? - The boy's name Vance \v(a)-nce,van-ce\ is pronounced vance. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Vance is "marshland".

Party time at the Finch's
Gladys admire the nifty pictures

Eighteen Short Miles To Home

Party time at the Finch's

Did you know? - One Christmas ritual not drawn from an ancient tradition is the British monarch's broadcast on Christmas day. The tradition began in 1932 when King George V read a special speech written by Rudyard Kipling. The broadcast was an enormous success . It began, "I speak now from my home and from my heart, to you all...".

Good Night

Page 1 - Hannah Heads For Home  |   Page 2 - The Party Begins
Page 3 - So Far So Good  |   Page 4 - The Fun Continues