Dining And Dancing Starts Now (Page Three)
The buffet was delicious... Perfect for an evening of music and dancing!
Vince goes first!
Jan just heard the dinner chime!
Making the food disappear... A simple task for this group!
Donna and Devi dressed for the Roaring Twenties!
Zot! The floor is full!
Kathy and Tom do the turn... At excessive speeds, we observed!
Elegant simplicity... Marion and Gary glide across the floor
How low can you go?
The music was fantastic... The DJ did a nice job!
Jamie the DJ from "Fly By Night DJ's" of Huntington Beach
Moving about the floor with the greatest of ease
Flappers be flapping!
The music was fast... Great way to hide mistakes!
Looking great!
Jan has the giggles!
The cake is looking a bit nervous.... He knows what is about to happen!
This cake looks just like a cactus!
Ed may take on a new profession... Surprise party planner!
Of course Wendy would have to be involved!
What are these two up to?
"I am still surprised!"
Hiding in the corner letting the camera cool off!
"They are about to cut the birthday cake!"
Did You Know? - Birthday Celebrations from England
In England there are cakes known as Fortune Telling Cakes which are made for the birthday.
Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it is being prepared.
If your piece of cake has a coin in it, then you will be rich.
Also, when its your birthday your friends give you the "bumps" they lift you in the air by your hands and feet and raise you up and down to the floor, one for each year then one for luck, two for luck and three for the old man's coconut!
Sending birthday cards is a custom that began in England about 100 years ago. Today, millions of cards are sent around the world each year to wish family and friends a happy birthday.
Being given the key to the house is still considered an important sign of coming of age in England. This takes place when someone turns the age of twenty-one. The young man who was given the key to the house is said to be given permission to come and go as he pleases and to stay out as late he
"... I have a coin and I will slip it into my slice!"