It's That Time Again - Wine & Beer Tasting At Trump 8/23/2015!
Once a year for seven years we head to Trump National Golf Course for a late morning of dining followed by some VIP tasting and then followed by an afternoon of sipping wine and drinking beer! Makes for a delightful day!
We never miss the Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles' Annual Wine & Beer Festival. A growing tradition in the South Bay, the Wine and Beer Festival offers guests a world class experience close to home. Located on the luxurious Palos Verdes Peninsula, this venue offers panoramic ocean views and is an ideal setting for showcasing world renowned wineries and breweries, gourmet food trucks, live music entertainment, raffle prizes and exhibitors.
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The Arrival!
Arriving in style! (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
Fancy! They will get home safe for sure! We nicknamed it "The Beer Mobile"
(Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
Jeri knows the way OR she can smell the buffet? (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
Sharon, Mike, Curt, John, Hans, and Kerstin (Courtesy of Jeri)
Bob and Robin, always a smile (Courtesy of Jeri)
"Why do I have to wait? I see food! (Courtesy of Jeri)
Warning.... Keep out of line of sight of buttons!
Buffet Time (The Buffet Bell Just Rang)
We found our tables so we are ready to go!
Did You Know? - The buffet table originates from the brännvinsbord (Swedish schnapps, or shot of alcoholic beverage) table from the middle of 16th century. This custom had its prime during the early 18th century, and was developed into the more modern buffet around the beginning of 19th century. The smörgåsbord buffet did not increase in popularity until the expansion of the railroads throughout Europe.
The smörgåsbord table originally was a meal where guests gathered before dinner for a pre-dinner drink, and was not part of the formal dinner to be followed. The smörgåsbord buffet was often held in separate rooms for men and women before the dinner was served.
Smörgåsbord became internationally known as "smorgasbord" at the 1939 New York World's Fair exhibition, as the Swedes had to invent a new way of showcasing the best of Swedish food to large numbers of visitors.
Coordinating the POA (Plan Of Attack)
OMG... Lookie at all the seafood! Where is Vicky? (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
The ice sculpture was amazing (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
Joe found his favorite spot... Next to the sushi! (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
"I am ready!"
The champagne is flowing!
To The Buffet Tables... Everything Under The Sun
The food arrangements were magnificent!
Here shrimp here shrimp
Hey... I do NOT taste good... No, really!
Oysters galore!
Do not be crabby
Have no idea what it was but it was delicious!
Caprese Salad - Cheese and tomatoes... Yummy!
The veggies were done perfectly!
The salmon must be near!
Joe was declared the Sushi Champ!
Did You Know? - Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨?) is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi?) combined with other ingredients (ネタ neta?), seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice (also referred to as shari (しゃり?) or sumeshi (酢飯?)).
Sushi can be prepared with either brown or white rice. It is often prepared with raw seafood, but some common varieties of sushi use cooked ingredients or are vegetarian. Raw fish (or occasionally other meat) sliced and served without rice is called "sashimi".
We were in the corner and had a great view of the room!
Rather an interesting room! The chandeliers were beautiful
The entire sculpture was rotating...
Paul tried to stick his tongue onto the ice but at the last minute thought better
Bob and Donna admiring the ice
Oh dear... Thought transference from Paul to Donna!
Call the ambulance! Her tongue is stuck
Do you remember this?
Did You Know? - The National Ice Carving Association (NICA), based in Oak Brook, Illinois (in the Chicago metro area) is an organization of ice carvers and those interested in ice carving. NICA sanctions and supports various ice sculpture competitions around the United States and in Canada and has held a yearly National Championship since 1991. The Association has developed a point system for judging the quality of ice sculptures created in timed competitions and certifies competition judges.
Our team initiated "Drinking Mode"
Buffet Is Over... Time To Go Outside To The VIP Tasting
Camera battery check
(Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
Camera wars begin! (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
Paul and Kerstin (Courtesy of Hans Thedens)
"Keep On Pouring"
"Who? Me?"
Bad Mike shows us how to slug it down!
Donna is official... She has her yellow wristband
Did You Know? - UV Ultra Violet Sensitive silicone wristbands appear clear/white when out of UV light, but when exposed to ultra violet light such as sunlight the wristbands' color changes to blue or fuchsia. These bands can be used as reminders for people to apply sunscreen or stay in the shade on hot summer days.
Donna and Marianne compare notes
Craig found a good one!
Examining the legs.... No, not on the girls... On the wine!
Gotcha! Hans at work
Jeri has a beer going!
What.... The glass it empty? We cannot have that!
They are warming up for the next event... Beer drinking
What an appropriate shirt!
We coordinated all of our watches and set them for 5:00!
Amy and Joe joined us this year!
Robin and Bob and ready for the official opening of the tasting event
Photo bombed by Joe
"It's my fifth visit to the same winery... This is good stuff"
Ed has cenosillicaphobia!
Paul and Sue... Dressed for the occasion!
We are off to the main area
(Courtesy of Kathy Roberts)
Paul photo bombed the Robert's Family
(Courtesy of Kathy Roberts)
The bomber is now gone
(Courtesy of Kathy Roberts)
Mike and Paul just getting warmed up
(Courtesy of Kathy Roberts)
Look out below... Here we come
(Courtesy of Ed/Kathy Roberts)
Two fisted drinkers... (Courtesy of Ed/Kathy Roberts)
"Beer from a wine glass. Certainly!" (Courtesy of Ed/Kathy Roberts)
"Bye bye - See you later! (Courtesy of Ed/Kathy Roberts)