Back At Garden Grove On Saturday Night 6/28/2014

Marge Kell Band Played Wonderful Music All Evening

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Simply wonderful music.... Back to the 50's and 60's

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Ah ha... Having fun

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Heading to the dance floor

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
On the floor getting our exercise

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Got her this time.... What did Paul say now???

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Must be the wine!

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Time to rest

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
"Yes... I am having another hamburger"

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Another North American/Rockwell employee

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Sharing studies

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Champagne for the table next door

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Jim tips one...

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Donna brought "The Book"

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Looks better

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Love the rainbow sign

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Applause for the band

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
A pair to draw too

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
"So Brian... Where is the wine??"

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Right here!

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
"Wanna see the Gay Gordon?"

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
Time to rest....

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
"Come on Jan... Let's show them!"

Saturday night at tghe GG Elks 6/28/2014
"It's easy!"