Topper's Dance Club 11/15/2019

You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~Author Unknown

Dinner Is Done And Dancing Begins (Page Three)

Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club
Toppers 2019-2020 Season
Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting  
  Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight?
Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway  
Next Page

Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club

Did You Know? - Only male turkeys, or toms, can gobble, and they mostly do it in the spring and fall. It is a mating call and attracts the hens. Wild turkeys gobble at loud sounds and when they settle in for the night.

Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club

Did You Know? - The average life span of a domestic turkey, from birth to freezer, is 26 weeks. During this period of time, it will eat about 75 pounds of turkey feed. The average life span of a wild turkey is three or four years. It generally feeds on seeds, nuts, insects, and berries.

Did You Know? - Turkeys can run at speeds of up to 25 miles per hour and fly as fast as 55 miles per hour.

Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club

Did You Know? - There are approximately 5,500 feathers on an adult wild turkey, including 18 tail feathers that make up the male's distinct fan.

Did You Know? - A wild turkey's gobble can be heard up to one mile away and is a primary means for a tom to communicate with his harem.


Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club
Smart Turkey

Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club

Enjoying dinner at the November 21st 2014 Toppers Dance Club

Song: America The Beautiful