Everyone Is Sitting, Snap Their Pictures! (Page Two)
(November 19th 2010) Last Updated:
09/11/2019 10:38:AM
Who said turkey's are not smart??
Sorry Guys... It Is November Afterall
Roast Turkey Breast or Fish of the Day
Green Salad with Ranch & Italian dressings on the table
Mashed Potatoes with Gravy
Fresh veggies of the day
Cornbread Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, and Supreme Sauce
Pasta by request
Pumpkin Pie
Warm Bread and Butter
Coffee or Tea
Made the turkeys happy but love the Petroleum Club meals much much better!
By Table...
Tom and Kathy Berg
Lucky was born with a silver spoon in his mouth!
Did you know? - The English language expression silver spoon is synonymous with wealth, especially inherited wealth; someone born into a wealthy family is said to have "been born with a silver spoon in his mouth". As an adjective, "silver-spoon" describes someone who has a prosperous background or is of a well-to-do family environment. In Australia the expression "silvertail" is also used, although it has an almost identical meaning. It has been used in cultural or political situations to attack someone as aristocratic or out of touch with the common people.
Lucky and Carolyn Harrington
Jan and Jim Mongell
Dean and Lori Fronk
Jerry and Nancy Ellis
Bob and Edith Daley
Our Greeters! Ginny Rodhner and Joe Maloney
Larry and Gigi Isham
New members!
Walter and Terey Kroy - Hospitality
Born with a silver knife and fork!
Irene and Earl Finley
Donnis and Clark Weygandt
Bobbie and Buck Catlin
Meretta and Robert Potthast - Membership
Ace and Martha Yeam
Mary Ruth and Roy Ashcroft
Reserved??? Nope!
Edith and George Meyer
Al and Mickey Arauj
Ella Jolly and Joe Ramos
Hendorina Lorenz and
Jean Engedal and Sal Mazella
Bill Morgan doing a "What, me worry???"
Jeannineand Earl Eakle
Guests Ed and Cathey Roberts
Vicky and Del Kuhn
Neal and Nita Woolston
Paul and Sue Liles
(Sue hoping Paul will be good!)
Paul seals the deal!