The Rondeliers Dance Club; Cornucopia Of Thanks

Welcome Fall...

The Dancing Gets Serious (Page Three)

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016 Theme: Cornucopia Of Thanks

Page 1 - Meet and Greet | Page 2 - Who Was Here?
Page 3 - Serious Dancing | Page 4 Comic View
Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
But first... We interrupt to bring you this essential information

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
"See you all in January"

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Applause for tonights Dance Directors

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
..and the centerpieces go to....

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
The crowd roars

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Dessert is served

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Music begins... Rondeliers move...

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Around and around we go...

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Wyatt keeps us hopping!

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Great Fall sounds float across the floor

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Love that horn...

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
The new to us room seemed to be just fine

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016 Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016 Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016 Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016 Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
It's Mixer Time

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Here we go!

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
"I want to stop now!"

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Meanwhile at the table conversations continue

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
The room was quite nice!

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Fun with friends

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", most frequently translated as
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
It was quite nice inside and in the mid-fifties outside

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Time for a waltz

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Turkey Trot???

Did You Know? - The turkey trot was a dance made popular in the early 1900s. The Turkey Trot was done to fast ragtime music popular in the decade from 1900 to 1910 such as Scott Joplin's Maple Leaf Rag. It lost favor to the Foxtrot in 1914

The basic step consisted of four hopping steps sideways with the feet well apart, first on one leg, then the other with a characteristic rise on the ball of the foot, followed by a drop upon the heel. The dance was embellished with scissor-like flicks of the feet and fast trotting actions with abrupt stops.

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Heading out

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
So much fun... So little time

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Love the holiday colors!

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Mirror mirror on the wall... Who are the greatest dancers of them all?

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Wyatt was NOT bad...
We just put him in the corner to save room on the dance floor!

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Gliding around the floor looks amazing

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016
Visiting before heading for home

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016 Theme: Cornucopia Of Thanks

Page 1 - Meet and Greet | Page 2 - Who Was Here?
Page 3 - Serious Dancing | Page 4 Comic View
Dancing with the Rondeliers November 2016

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