Meet And Greet 9/11/2015 (Page One)
Theme: September Rendezvoaus
Page 1 - Meet and Greet | Page 2 - Who Was Here? Page 3 - Serious Dancing | Page 4 Comic View |
We remember...
"Hello all... It's good to be back dancing!"
Wyatt and the music makers are underway with September tunes!
The Fall colors are beautiful... The ladies make the colors more spectacular
Finding our tables
Everyone is arriving... We had forty-two members and guests this evening
Lovely fall centerpieces
Did You Know? - June is often considered a "summer month", whereas September is not. This is despite the fact that September has twice as many summer days as June.
Meanwhile on the floor, dancers are dancing
"We are being careful not to step on the leaves!"
Did You Know?
September Gemstone: Sapphire
September Flower: Morning Glory
More people are born in September than any other month!
Visiting is well underway!
The "Front Desk" is still busy!
Did You Remember?
"Try to remember the kind of September
When life was slow and oh so mellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain so yellow
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a young and a callow fellow
Try to remember and if you remember
Then follow--follow, oh-oh."
- Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt in Try to Remember
Check-in is complete, may we show you to your table?
Clancy has a beautiful drink
Looks like Kathy is doing some serious 'splainin'
How does Wyatt find all of the "September Songs"?
Did You Know? - The definition of a Harvest Moon is: the full moon closest to the fall equinox. The Harvest Moon was thus named because it rises within a half-hour of when the sun sets. In early days, when farmers had no tractors, it was essential that they work by the light of the moon to bring in the harvest.
Samba time
They look magical.... Gives a new definition to "smooth"
Did You Know? - The samba is a traditional dance that is originally from Brazil. It was heavily influenced by many African traditions, as many African slaves were responsible for its creation. The samba is a dance performed to songs with a 2/4 tempo, usually played by strings and percussion. Later and more modern sambas also use brass and wind instruments like trumpets, flutes and clarinets.
The samba is heavily influenced by its home of Brazil, as there are traditional clothes and foods associated with the samba. Brazil celebrates a National Samba Day every year on December 2nd. Samba is mostly local to the southeast and northeast of Brazil. It is heavily associated with Rio de Janeiro.
The samba became very popular both in Brazil and worldwide in the 1930s and 40s. This is in part due to composers like Joao de Barro, famous for writing the song 'The Girl from Ipanema'. Bossa Nova, a marriage of samba and jazz music, lead to changes in the samba music as well as greater recognition of the music and dance. Although disco would temporarily outshine samba in the 70s and 80s, today there are many artists working in the samba tradition and many people still dancing the samba.
Signaling the waiter for a glass of water!
More Samba signals?
Catching up and swapping stories
The wave...
Did You Know? - A wave is a movement of the hand that people use to greet each other, say goodbye or merely acknowledge another's presence. People wave by raising their hand and moving it from side to side.
Another common wave is to raise one's hand and repeatedly move the fingers downward toward the palm. A variant known as the wigglywave consists of holding the hand near shoulder level and wiggling the fingers randomly. This can be used to appear cute or flirtatious to the target of the wave. The gesture can be used to attract attention at a distance.
Most commonly, though, the gesture means quite simply "hello" or "goodbye .
OMG.... We were sitting across the table from "Ben and Jerry" and
forgot to ask them for ice cream!
Ben could not find a colorful tie this evening...
There is a story behind this smile somewhere!
Squeezing in one more dance before dinner...
Did You Know? - "Autumn in New York" is a jazz standard composed b Vernon Duke in 1934 for the Broadway musical Thumbs Up! which opened on December 27, 1934, performed by J. Harold Murray. Many versions of the song have been recorded over the years by numerous musicians and singers.
Sound: Autumn In New York
Theme: September Rendezvoaus
Page 1 - Meet and Greet | Page 2 - Who Was Here? Page 3 - Serious Dancing | Page 4 Comic View |