Dr. Mary Cote, MD

An Amazing Story!

My Wonderful Bride

Mary and I first met back in 1999 at the Starlighter's Dance Club in Orange County.  I was taken back by her beauty and over the years, we got to kow each other  through the dance clubs and other dance events.

She had fair warning!!

We have known the same set of dancers for decades!

A Little History... In A Nutshell

Mary was born and raised in Oregon (which explains her wnbbed feet). She was given up for adoption right out of the hospital and had an interesting set of step-parents. Mom was not a very caring person and dad was a long-haul truck driver.

The family was dirt poor and Mary did not have typical childhood things growing up.  Her room was under the staircase and her toys were extremely limited often donated by relatives.

God made up for that by giving her good liooks and a magnificent brain (they usd to call her "egghead" in school because we was a straight "A" student.

Her Mom left the family when Mary was eight and her step dad did the best he could raising two girls (Mary has a step sister).

LOne of her elementary teachers took Mary uinder her wing and provided sage advice. "Work hard, get an education, and life will be good".

Well, after graduating high school she went off to college and decided to be a Doctor.   She went to Loma Linda University receiving her degree in medicine and spent many years in the Army in Germany because they would pay for the necessary schooling in trade for being a general medical officer.

She was married and had three children and in 1996 her husband left on Christmas morning leaving her to fend for herself with three yound children. 

David was somewhere else!></p>

Mary likes the out of doors and is a bit crazy.  For her 60th borthday, she jumper otof a perfectly good airplane!

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"Lookout below, here I come!"