Temecula... March 2011 At Falkner

Bunnaford meets the Saams  

Did We Hear The Word "Wine"?

Page 1 - Falkner Winery | Page 2 - Thornton Winery

Falkner Winery
Sarge is unsure of today's plans... But he allowed us to go anyway

Falkner Winery
One hour and a half... Music of the 1950's kept us laughing

Falkner Winery
Arrival at Falkner Winery... Paul explains wine tasting to Bunnafford

Falkner Winery
The view of the Falkner Winery is beautiful

Falkner Winery
Enjoying the visit already and we just got out of the car

Bunnaford was not too sure... We confirmed it!

Falkner Winery
AJ and Laura join us ... Notice we are all in wine uniforms

We agree

Falkner Winery
Notice the halo over Bunnaford head??

Falkner Winery
The peacocks are still here

Always Remember That Famous Philosopher... W. C. Fields:

  1. I drink therefore I am.
  2. I must have a drink of breakfast.
  3. Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch.
  4. Always carry a flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite and furthermore always carry a small snake.
  5. I like to keep a bottle of stimulant handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy.
  6. There are only two real ways to get ahead today - sell liquor or drink it.
  7. Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.
  8. A woman drove me to drink and I didn't even have the decency to thank her.
  9. I never worry about being driven to drink; I just worry about being driven home.
  10. I never drink water. I'm afraid it will become habit-forming, besides it rusts the pipes.
  11. Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.
  12. Set up another case bartender! The best thing for a case of nerves is a case of Scotch.
  13. Sleep - the most beautiful experience in life - except drink.
  14. If I had to live my life over, I'd live over a saloon.

Falkner Winery
The wine tasting is working

lilesnet.com friends

Falkner Winery
Purple is the color of the day

lilesnet.com friends

Purple is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue. In additive light combinations it occurs by mixing the primary colors red and blue in varying proportions. It is a secondary color because two colors (blue and red) make up this color.

In subtractive pigments it can be equal to the primary color magenta or be formed by mixing magenta with the colors red or blue, or by mixing just the latter two, in which case a color of low saturation will result. Low saturation will also be caused by adding a certain quantity of the third primary color (green for light or yellow for pigment).

There is a disagreement over exactly which shades can be described as purple, some people preferring more precise terms such as magenta or heliotrope for particular shades. A difference in retinal sensitivity to red and blue light between individuals can cause further disagreement.

In color theory, a "purple" is defined as any non-spectral color between violet and red (excluding violet and red themselves). The spectral colors violet and indigo are not purples according to color theory but they are purples according to common English usage since they are between red and blue.

Falkner Winery
We are ready to dine and perhaps have a boggle of wine

lilesnet.com friends

Falkner Winery
AJ demonstrates how to properly hold the glass

lilesnet.com friends
Not to be outdone, Paul shows the proper way of pouring the wine

Falkner Winery
Debbie braves this crowd again!

Falkner Winery
The famous Bunnaford Wine Prayer before beginning the third bottle

Falkner Winery
Lunch was good, huh?

lilesnet.com friends

Falkner Winery
On a serious note... AJ tries a little magic

lilesnet.com friends

Falkner Winery
"... and this hummingbirds wings moved almost this fast!"

Falkner Winery
"Humming bird???"

Falkner Winery
"Paul did what????"

Falkner Winery
The Pinnacle restaurant is really excellent... The menu was so good it was difficult to choose what to try

Falkner Winery
"What is the bug doing in my coffee? The backstroke!"

Falkner Winery
Laughter was NOT lacking with this group

Falkner Winery
Paul explains to AJ how to kiss a chickens bottom without getting feathers in ones mouth!

Falkner Winery
It worked... No feathers

Falkner Winery
Debbie made it through another lunch with this group

Falkner Winery
The staff was very friendly and helpful!

Falkner Winery
Great place to dine

Falkner Winery
OK... See you guys next trip or at the Elks

Bye Laura and AJ.... Hello Thornton!

Page 1 - Falkner Winery | Page 2 - Thornton Winery