Avalon Ball 2022 (Saturday)
After golf, we headed to our room to get cleaned up and get dressed for dinner and dancing.
We have our wine; we are happy!
Orders have been placed!
Mary keeps me tickled!
The Ash's are in rare form!
Linda and Paul devoured a plate of oysters in about 13 seconds!
She is attempting to be sneaky but I was watching!
Quite a handsome table!
We were right on the water!
Only fourteen miles (it looks closer than it really is!)
Paul's "serious" look!
We are ready to amble across to the Casino!
On you mark, get ready, laugh!
They are off so save us old folks some seats1
Next step is a three story climb up the ramps!
View from the top!
We gather together!
We got there just in time
The evening was magnificent!
Drink time!
There was a full house tonight!
We did NOT join the Conga Line this time.