Post Avalon Ball Dessert (Page Ten)
We had a plan but the Avalon Grill did not honor their promise of have dessert ready...they closed the kitchen!
Only the bar was open (which is not bad in of itself)
So we went on a search! Ah Ha! Maggie's Blue Rose decided to stay open a while past their planned time and we all joined together to have birthday cake and a drink!
Paul & Sue sat "out front" and captured the gang as they meandered
by on their way to the Avalon Grill!
The cheesecake disappeared rapidly!
The birthday party was well underway in the back!
The "Fresnoians" know how to party!
Sam indicates how many times we sang happy birthday!
Kathleen and the fox made it through the evening!
Is it tongue time yet? (It's a long story!)
Dessert and wine and time for nighty-night!
Bob heads for the barn
"If we wait 30 minutes, we can celebrate another birthday!!"