Saint Patrick's Day 2013

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.  ~Adrienne Cook

Saint Patrick's Day Is A Great Time To Celebrate Anything!

Saint Patrick's Day 2013

This year we are going to dance and cavort several times beginning at Khoury's and the Phoenix Club on Thursday. Topper's on Friday, Starlighter's on Saturday and finally the Sunday Jam Session at Santa Ana Elks.... Get you dancing shoes on and your smiles ready to go!!

Saint Patrick's Day 2013

Thursday 3/14/2013 Was Golf/Khourys/Phoenix

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
Sue fed the babies their St. Patty's Day dinner

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
The ducks also gpt theirs!

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
We arrived at Khoury's at 5:00

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
We left after the sun had set

Friday 3/15/2013 Was Topper's

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
Join Us At Toppers

Saturday 3/16/2013 Was Starlighter's

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
Starlighter's Dance at Alta Vista Country Club

Sunday 3/17/2013 Was A Big Band Review (In The Mood) & Old Ranch

Saint Patrick's Day 2013

Saint Patrick's Day 2013

Monday 3/18/2013 Was Lunch And Gardening

Saint Patrick's Day 2013
Loads of fun and our tradition - Click for full sized image

Saint Patrick's Day 2013