The COVID Got Us Early!

Christmas, children, is not a date.  It is a state of mind.  ~Mary Ellen Chase

After Two And A Half Years.....,

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving, the 22nd, Mary took me to see the nice lady at Urgent Care.   She poked my nose with two cotton tipped spears and a few minutes later returned with the news; "You have Covid!" 

I scratched my head over and over and figured I must have got it either at Home Depot or Ralph's Market as that was the only time I was near others.

She gave me a prescription for Paxcovid and four days later I tested negative; between my EXCELLENT CARE from my doctor Mary, my intrinsic good health, and help from the Big Guy above, I made it through with just a little uncomfort!

Mary cooked up her special home receipe for covid relief!  She is so cute!

Relief is on its way!!! A special "Dr. Mary Concoction!, made with love"

Then Sunday, five days later, Mary's cold got worst and we tested her.  You guess it, she had the bug.   She called her daughter-in-law who is an ER MD and Diane suggested "riding it out" if you fell OK.

Mary selected that option and did just fine.  If all goes well, we will join the rest of the world on Thursday and start celebrating on the 5th of December at the Elks.

Covid closeup