Christmas On The Links 2013

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!  ~Author Unknown

The Temperature Was Perfect... Golf... Not So Much

Golfing in December 2013!

Golfing in December 2013!
The sky was magnificent

Golfing in December 2013!
The cloud formations made you want to stop and stare up

Golfing in December 2013!
We emailed this picture to Jon and Sarah

Golfing in December 2013! Dover Hew Hampsire Weather
In New Hampshire....

Golfing in December 2013!

Golfing in December 2013!
We had pelicans today

Golfing in December 2013!
The 12th hole is always a challenge

Golfing in December 2013!
Look carefully for the parachutes...
The helicopter was dropping three at a time all afternoon

Golfing in December 2013!
They are still coming down

Golfing in December 2013!
Down the fairway we go

Golfing in December 2013!
Sue will flatten the ball this time

Golfing in December 2013!
There it goes