Christmas 2013 Requires Decorating!

May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through!  ~Author Unknown

But It Is Hard Work So We Begin 11/28/2013

Decorating for Christmas 2013
What a mess.... It takes several days to complete

Decorating for Christmas 2013
The tree is a full day... 8-12 hours

Decorating for Christmas 2013
We need a ten foot ladder to reach the top of the tree

Decorating for Christmas 2013
Flower assists... At her tender age of 18 1/2, she mostly advises

Decorating for Christmas 2013
She moves between beds all day

Decorating for Christmas 2013

Decorating for Christmas 2013
On day three things are looking up

Decorating for Christmas 2013
The little trees get to watch all the activities