Disneyland Christmas Eve 2012 Part Four

"As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is." -- Eric Sevareid

Time For Dinner At The Finest Restaurant in Disneyland... Catal

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
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The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Santiago gets a workout when we show up

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Theo and Nick are a great combination

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Franklyn checks out the mimosa

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
The tree at the top of the stairs was beautiful this evening

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Leah liked Santiago's Christmas card

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Visiting begins

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Someone lost a toofy

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Herb, Carri, and Sheri visit

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Herb always gets all the girls

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Hard at work

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Find a spot... Right in front of the fireplace

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Plenty of room for all eleven of us

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Yeah! We be seated and ready to devour anything passed in front of our noses

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
The other side is also ready

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
"OK... Where is the grub??"

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Tess attempts the impossible

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Decisions decisions

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Robin and Sue

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Andrea.... It's time to dance!

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Goat cheese stuffed peppers.... Meal fit for a king!

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Grandma visits the boys

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Sheri attacks the noodles

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
It must be getting late

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Trying to get a photo... Caught

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
The fireplace felt so very good

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
After dinner stories start

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Bob plays with the boys.... Fun to watch

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Someone is very relaxed

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Even Franklyn gets in on the fun!

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
"Is it kosher?"

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
"I proclaim it edible!!"

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Dessert is served and the table gets amazingly quiet

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
"Oh boy! Nick gets his root beer float"

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Group test picture

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Yes... Paul gets into the picture

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Darn... Time to head for home

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Beautiful ladies on Christmas Eve

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Wow.... I can now relax

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
The boys are getting ready to hit the road

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Sheri is off to walk the new puppy... Sue is getting Paul packed up to go

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Did we say wear red???

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Santiago bids us a fond adieu

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Bye until next time... Let's go dancing Andrea

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
What we left behind

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
The guys downstairs were busy but fond time to smile for the camera

Going Home We Decided To Go To Church

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
It was a beautiful service!

We Then Visited Vicky And Del ... Making Christmas Eve Complete

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Story Time

So Vicky gets a call (ON HER CELL PHONE) from her brother... They chat... He asked her for an address!

She walks around looking for her address book but alas, can't fine it!

She tells him to hold on because the address is ON HER CELL PHONE.

After walking around the house (WITH THE CELL PHONE IN HER EAR) she says, I will call you tomorrow when I find the cell phone and the address!

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
"That's my Vicky!"

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
We got a giggle from that story

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012
Good night... I think we hear Santa coming

The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012 The Disneyland Christmas Eve  Dinner At Catal  2012

Previous    Next

Page One - Breakfast And Arrival | Page Two - On The Walking Tour
Page Three - The Parade | Page 4 - Dinner At Catal, Church & Vicky's

White Christmas