Christmas Jam Session COntinues

"The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature." -- Andy Rooney

Vicky's Birthday & Jam Session Page Two

Page 1 - Let The Party Begin  |  Page 2 - Cavorting Shall Continue

Great group and great dancing... Everyone had a blast...

Abbey, our friend

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Ed plays Santa.... Nice lap Ed

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Paul looks worried

Paul's was a few days earlier...

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Looks good

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
To the movies we go

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Now I can exercise

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Hey!  Whose glasses??? They wo

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Alert... Fashion Show About To Start

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Vince and Nancy

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Holding the egg!

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Glenda and Freddie

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Donna Finds A Decoration

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Donna directs the activities

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Flower children maybe???

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Bob did it...

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session  Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Decorating an angel

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
An angel with two butts

The snow fairy came to see what was going on... He left in a hurry

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
This IS an angel

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
What is Del trying to hide???

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
What!?!?!  Vince as an angel?

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

The Team Is Forming

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Bobdolph and the eight rein persons

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
The new 2010 Reindeer:
On Bob, Paul, Herb, Leon
On Brian,Jim , Ed, Del, and Vince

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Oh come on guys... Your LEFT foot!

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Donna assists Brian (they don't have left and right in England!)

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Now We Get The Real Reindears!

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Donna, Sue, Carri, Marcia, Nancy, Kathy, Jan, and Vicky

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Bob is doing the Choreography

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Donna has the right idea about red noses

Quote To Remember: A smile is happiness you'll find right under your nose. Tom Wilso,

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

A Birthday Note From Vicky...

...." Anyway, thank you for my cake and for making my birthday seem like a REAL birthday. On my honor, it really really was a surprise. I had no idea. It didn't even cross my mind. Being a December baby, Paul you know what that's like but imagine being a Christmas EVE baby. Yikes! So birthdays for me, come and go but THIS one, was a REAL birthday. Friends, music, dancing, presents, giggles and sincere best wishes. It was a REAL birthday with a birthday cake decorated like a birthday cake should be.

Actually this one was better because it had MY photo and MY oysters! YUMMY cake and oysters. Sometimes, in years past, my cake and my gifts were Christmas themes.

I won't complain too much as I'm thrilled to have another birthday! Older is OK, old is NOT. I know very intimately how precious life can be so I try to appreciate each day and try to be the best person I can be.

Besides that, I am in good company being born 12-24 because HE was born 12-25.

Time To Head For Home

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Attack of the Coneheads

Do You Remember: The Coneheads are an alien family, natives of the planet Remulak, who find themselves stranded on Earth. When questioned by Earth neighbors as to their strange behavior, they inevitably reply that they are "from Remulak, a small town in France". The Coneheads' most distinguishing feature is that the tops of their heads are shaped like large cones. Their unearthly appearance, however, is never strongly questioned—a point from which much of the humor was derived. The only time the shape of their head has ever come into question is in the film (by Tom Arnold in a quick cameo).

Aside from their obvious physical differences, the Coneheads also have a very fast, nasal, monotone speech, and seem to have much larger appetites than average humans. They would eat large amounts of food during meals (which they refer to as "consuming mass quantities"), drink entire six packs of beer at once, and smoke whole packs of cigarettes at a time. Despite their distinctions, they are never suspected of being aliens by anyone who encounters them (even when accidentally referring to their neighbors as "Earthlings").

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Eek!  They are multiplying

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session
Leon to the rescue

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

The House Is Safe

Vicky's birthday and the December Jam Session

The Movies Now Begin

Pages from our Daily Diary

Page 1 - Let The Party Begin  |  Page 2 - Cavorting Shall Continue