Annual Christmas Play 2009

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

One Funny Play! (Page Three)

So, it seems that Radio Station KPOL is about to be closed!  A lawyer is coming to visit to make a recommendation.  You can guess what happens next!

Old Ranch Christmas Play

Did you know? - KPOL (1540 AM) was a radio station that operated in Los Angeles, California, USA. The station played a number of music formats, including polka, top 40, rock, and beautiful music, from 1952 to 1981.

KPOL advertised on one of the fences at Wrigley Field in Los Angeles, and was prominently featured on the 1959 television series Home Run Derby. It was also parodied as KPLO (for Palestine Liberation Organization) on Fernwood 2-Nite. Today, KMPC occupies this frequency.


Christmas Play 2009
One toy soldier

Christmas Play 2009
Checking the to do list

Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009
How do we save the radio station???

Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009
The lawyer has preconceived notions, the station must go
so it can become a Starbucks!

Christmas Play 2009
Boo-Hiss, the lawyer has arrived

Christmas Play 2009
The avalanche occurs...The radio station is buried and the band and singers and other entertainers that were supposed to be here to go on the show can't make it... All is lost... What do we do?? 

Did you know? - An avalanche is a rapid flow of snow down a slope, from either natural triggers or human activity. Typically occurring in mountainous terrain, an avalanche can mix air and water with the descending snow.

Powerful avalanches have the capability to entrain ice, rocks, trees, and other material on the slope; however avalanches are always initiated in snow, are primarily composed of flowing snow, and are distinct from mudslides, rock slides, rock avalanches, and serac collapses from an icefall.

In mountainous terrain avalanches are among the most serious objective hazards to life and property, with their destructive capability resulting from their potential to carry an enormous mass of snow rapidly over large distances.

Christmas Play 2009
Check the door... A landslide has isolated the station from the outside world!

Save The Station By Putting On A Performance Beyond Imagination

Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009
The dancers were great!

Christmas Play 2009
The Elves are doing sound effects!

Did you know? - An elf (plural elves) is a being of Germanic mythology. The elves were originally thought of as a race of divine or semi-divine beings (wights, vættir) endowed with magical powers, which they use both for the benefit and the injury of mankind. In pre-Christian mythology, they appear to have been divided into light elves and dark elves, difficult to delineate from the Æsir (gods) on one hand and the dvergar (dwarves) on the other.

In early modern and modern folklore, they become associated with the fairies of Romance folklore and assume a diminutive size, often living underground in hills or rocks, or in wells and springs. 19th-century Romanticism attempted to restore them to full stature, often depicting them as youthful-seeming men and women of great beauty.

From their depiction in Romanticism, elves entered the 20th-century high fantasy genre in the wake of the publications of J.R.R. Tolkien, especially the posthumous publication of his Silmarillion where Tolkien's treatment of the relation of light elves, dark elves, black elves and dwarves in Norse mythology is made explicit. Popular culture in the Anglosphere at the same time with Santa Claus and his helpers preserves a direct continuation of early modern folklore.

Christmas Play 2009
The Christmas Carol in progress

Christmas Play 2009

Did you know? - Sound effects or audio effects are artificially created or enhanced sounds, or sound processes used to emphasize artistic or other content of films, television shows, live performance, animation, video games, music, or other media. In motion picture and television production, a sound effect is a sound recorded and presented to make a specific storytelling or creative point without the use of dialogue or music.

The term often refers to a process applied to a recording, without necessarily referring to the recording itself. In professional motion picture and television production, dialogue, music, and sound effects recordings are treated as separate elements.

Dialogue and music recordings are never referred to as sound effects, even though the processes applied to them, such as reverberation or flanging effects, often are called "sound effects".


Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009
The lawyer plays the part of Mr. Schrooge... NAutrally!!!

Christmas Play 2009
The audience goes wild

Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009
The ghosts do their visits

Did you know? - The English word ghost continues Old English gást, hypothetical Common Germanic *gaisto-z. It is common to West Germanic, but lacking in North and East Germanic (the equivalent word in Gothic is ahma, Old Norse has andi m., önd f.).

The pre-Germanic form would have been *ghoizdo-z, apparently from a root denoting "fury, anger", cognate to Sanskrit hedas "anger", reflected in Old Norse geisa "to rage". The Germanic word is recorded as masculine only, but likely continues a neuter s-stem.

The original meaning of the Germanic word would thus have been an animating principle of the mind, in particular capable of excitation and fury (compare óðr). In Germanic paganism, "Germanic Mercury", and the later Odin, was at the same time the conductor of the dead and the "lord of fury" leading the Wild Hunt.


Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009

Christmas Play 2009

Page 1 - Overview | Page 2 - Before The Play | Page 3 - The Play | Page 4 - The Kids  
Page 5 - After The Play | Page 6 - Group photos | Page 7 - VickyCam