Christmas 2000 At Disneyland (Our 36th Year)

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.  ~Roy L. Smith

Christmas Eve At Disneyland With Family

We all went to Disneyland and then to the local hotel for a few snacks before going home and waiting for Santa to arrive. We have been doing Christmas Eve at Disneyland  starting in 1962.

The Whole Famly

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Awaiting the monorail outside Downtown Disney

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Connor is at it again

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Jackie meets the cast!

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
What time is it??? Eleven silly

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Diane and Sue snacking away

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Casie, Lisa, Jackie, Connor, and Hannah

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Pat gets KP duty!

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
A quick stop by the bank

Food, Our Favorite

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Jeanette joins in having a pizza

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Paul watches with interest

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
"Connor... Leave the chipmunks alone!"

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Stories being told of Christmas' past

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Eddie and Pete are watching the girls

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
The girls take a boat ride in Adventureland

Another Southern California Christmas

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
A typical California day

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Some people want to be up to their butts in snow and sleet and hail! We enjoy the sun.

The Parade Begins

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Not Christmas at Disneyland without a parade

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
No lies yet....

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Paul's favorite Disney princess

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Up close and personal

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Yeah... it's the mouse!

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Giddie Up Rain Moose

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Santa arrived at Disneyland

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Hey Cassie

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Connor was a cute little kid!

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Jonathan says "Let's go"

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Mark and Colleen

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Jackie says "Hey, how about me?"

Beginning To Get Cold And Ready For A Snackie!

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Getting dark.... Time to go to the hotel

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Arial was on the way

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Cool floats

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Jackie is telling Grandma Sue where to go

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
The wheelchair was decorated and ready to be in the parade

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
"Hey Mom, it's that Chipmunk again!"

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Someone is tickled

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
It's hard to tell who is having more fun... The kids or Sue

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
The lights make Disneyland magic

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
The castle lights up

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Some of us head for home as we need to travel the next day

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
The rest go to the hotel for an evening of fun

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
We may even have a drink or two

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Alyce had a drink or two for sure!!!

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
"Well... someone has got to drive home"

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Everybody is having fun

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Hannah patiently awaits the arrival of Santa

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
No Hannah,,, Santa has a white beard

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000
Jeanette and Mitch Lind close out the evening

Christmas Eve At Disneyland 2000

Time to head for home and await Santa