Day 8 - Dinner At Manele Bay
As you know, Sue is allergic to meat, fish and chicken so finding something vegetarian is a necessity. The hotels had great food but they think being a vegetarian means boiling some vegetables. Every evening we went on a search of good food and we did find it at Manele Bay... The staff understood the problem ad our waiter was also ovo-lacto so we have a delicious and quite spicy meal!
We stopped by the Blue Ginger Inn hoping to find something vegetarian but alas, it was all meat or fish based! Too bad, it could have been fun!
The Hotel Bar Overlooked The Pool
Manele Bay in the background. You could hear the waves crash against the rocks (when the music was not playing).
We could hear the beach in the background
Yes, that is another island in the distance. The island is Maui. Look from the bottom of Lanai to the right and Red Hill is in the distance.
As night falls the view remain fantastic
The man is hammered!
A little local music was made danceable with some suggestions
Massive quantities of food!
A cruise ship made its way past the island heading for Hawaii to the west of us. The ship was about
15 miles in the distance at this point!
The Detailed Map Was On The Wall Was Fun To See Where We Had Been
Manele Bay entrance.
And our favorite, the music room at the Lodge... adjacent to the bar!