On Our Way, Time To Explore The Ship

The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean - Mark Twain

Day Two On The Ship February 26th

On The Ship

On The Ship
Sort of like the picture on the Queen Mary 1

On The Ship

On The Ship
We spent a lot of time dancing in this room

On The Ship

On The Ship
Notice the supports... otherwise it would have been swinging

On The Ship

On The Ship
Champaign bar or "Sue's Place"

On The Ship

On The Ship

Ships Facilities
Illuminations... the on-board Observatory!

On The Ship

On The Ship
Little hideaways all over the ship and the wine cellar had great selections.

On The Ship

On The Ship
Time for tea and a little dance

On The Ship

On The Ship

On The Ship

On The Ship
Yes, that is a halo behind her head!

Ships Facilities

On The Ship

On The Ship
Nick and Shirley tripping the light fantastic!

Visiting Honolulu Hawaii