Meet And Greet At The Mistletoe Ball (Page One)
Toppers 2017-2018 Season
Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway Page 4 - Comic View Of The Evening |
We call this "A high level meeting with low level people!"
The "Chief Penny Pincher" (Kathy Roberts) keeps
her eye on anything that costs money!
Secretary Sandy eloquently reads the minutes from the last meeting!
Speaking of hospitality... Neal and Nita do a great job!!
Gigi keeps an eye on Larry
Words of leadership wisdom flow forth!
Vicky takes care of membership!
Sue and Paul get shot by Ed Roberts!
(Thank you Ed!!)
Paul gets the instructions
Kathy and Tom warm up the floor!
Meeting and greeting underway on the sidelines
Looks like Bernie is on trouble!
Mickey and Al tripping the light fantastic
What could they possible be up to?
Heading to the dance floor!
Vicky and Wally in a serious conversation... No, not really!
Our resident Elf has his mischievous smile
Did You Know? - An elf (plural: elves) is a type of human-shaped supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, elves seem generally to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them.
However, the details of these beliefs have varied considerably over time and space, and have flourished in both pre-Christian and Christian cultures.
Iris takes care of the greeting assignment
Directly from Baja La Mirada....
The party can start... The Colby's are here!
Miles of smiles!
Lily and Russell join the evening...
Diane makes the rounds!
Vicky and Wally are still talking!
Marcia all decked out in red!
Brian explains English humor
Visiting is essential!
What are they up to now?
Bernie and Donnis finally sit down after six consecutive dances!
Getting ready to hit the floor!
Time Machine keeps us moving all night long!
Tom and Kathy are looking good!
Sue and Brian enjoy all the goings on
Brian and Jan do not miss the UK right now!
Don't ask... Don't tell!
"It's not edible!"
One more dance before dinner!
Toppers 2017-2018 Season
Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway Page 4 - Comic View Of The Evening |