Ready For A Chuckle For Three???

I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts!

Cartoons And Funny Pictures


  1. Why Dogs Bite People
  2. Not There Yet!
  3. Yesterday
  4. MajorOops!
  5. Funny Photo Captions
  6. More Funny Pictures
  7. Understanding Iran
  8. Three New Navy Ships
  9. Good Luck
  10. Wise Animals
  11. Cartoons Often Say It All
  12. Presidential Limousines
  13. Graphs Tell The Truth
  14. Computer Humor
  15. Kodak Moments
  16. Call The Help Desk!
  17. Twisted Pictures
  18. Bad Pictures Are Often The Funniest!
  19. Presidential Limousines
  20. Odd Pictures
  21. Tags & Stickers Often Make My Day
  22. Advertising With A Smile!?
  23. Buttons Speak Great Truths
  24. Too Much Time In The Kitchen!
  25. Doormats You May Need
  26. Cube World
  27. You Know You Are Getting Older When...
  28. Before The Pain Starts
  29. Funny Fellas
  30. You Know You Are Getting Older When...
  31. Mexican Seal In Uniform
  32. Some Favorite Pictures
  33. Laugh And Giggle Time
  34. Old Age Cartoons