My Girls Were Ladies

Memories And Recollections Of Days Gone Bye!

The Girls I "Knew" Growing Up!

All of the ages are automatically calculated using a javascript and their birthday's were confirmed via Wikipedia... So, they are the age shown!  How did they get this age?  Oops, I'm up

Ursula Andress
Ursula Andress is now 89 years old.

Julie Andrews
Julie Andrews is now 89 years old.

Ann Margaret
Ann-Margret is now 83 years old.

Carroll Baker
Carroll Baker is now 93 years old.

Brigette Bardot
Brigette Bardot is now 90 years old.

Leslie Caron
Leslie Caron is now 93 years old.

Julie Christie
Julie Christie is now 83 years old.

Joan Collins
Joan Collins is now 91 years old.

Doris Day
Doris Day (deceased in 2022) would have been 100 years old.

Barbara Eden
Barbara Eden is now 90 years old.

Annette Funicello
Annette Funicello (deceased 2019) would have been 82 years old.

Kathryn Grayson
Kathryn Grayson pass on at 88 in 2010.

Lena Horne
Lena Horne passed on at 93.
(1917- 2010)

Deborah Kerr
Deborah Kerr passed on at 86
(30 September 1921 - 16 October 2007)

Gina Lollobrigida
Gina Lollobrigida is now 97 years old.

Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren is now 90 years old.

Rita Moreno
Rita Moreno is now 93 years old.

Julie Newmar
Julie Newmar is now 91 years old.

Kim Novak
Kim Novak is now 92 years old.

Debra Padget
Debra Paget is now 91 years old.

Patti Page
Patti Page is now 97 years old.

Jane Powell
Jane Powell is now 96 years old.

Debbie Reynolds
Debbie Reynolds is now 93 years old.

Jane Russell
Jane Russell is now 103 years old.

Jean Simmons
Jean Simmons is passed on at 81 in 2010

Elke Sommer
Elke Sommer is now 84 years old.

Kay Starr
Kay Starr is now 102 years old.

Stella Stevens
Stella Stevens is now 86 years old.

Gale Storm
Gale Storm passed on in 2009 at 87

Jill St. John
Jill St. John is now 66

Shirley Temple
Shirley Temple is now 96 years old.

Mamie VanDoren
Mamie Van Doren is now 75
Raquel Welch
Raquel Welch is now 84 years old.

The "ladies" of today just do not compare (with a few exceptions) with the ladies of yesteryear! Today they are political wacko's, jump in the sack with anyone trash! Give me that ladies that grew up in the 20's-50's and they have some class, morals, and beauty!
