The Orange County Fair  2016 Visit #1

Theme: Put Your Fair Face On

Visiting Centennial Farm And The Flowers/Animals (Page Three)

We have more walking to do in the gardens.  The flowers and animals always require a visit.

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
It was a magnificent day at the farm! Time to visit the flowers and animals

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
The Dalhia is simply beautiful

Did You Know? - Dahlias were originally grown as a food crop for their edible tubers. Gardeners and television presenter James Wong suggests they taste like a cross between carrot, celery and potatoes.

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
The colors were brilliant

Did You Know? - Abbe Cavanilles (director of Real Madrid Botanical Garden) named the Dahlia after Anders Dahl, the Swedish botanist, who had died two years previously.

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
One could stare at them all day

Did You Know? - Dahlias belong to the Asteraceae (Aster) family along with daisies and sunflowers.

Dahlias range from dwarf plants ideal for bedding, to giants such as Dahlia imperialis found growing in the wild from Guatemala to Colombia where it can grow upwards of 6m tall.

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
"I am just a plain Jane"

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Looking up to the sky


Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Turning and turning...

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Meet "Oink, The Wonder Pig"

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
The babies are asleep except for...

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
He got up early to hit the fridge!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
These guys are four weeks old!  Born June 20th

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Moma gets some rest!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Four days old!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
It's what we call "A Pile Of Pigs"

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
She is smiling... They are finally asleep!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
On the move

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
"Hey... What is out here?"

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Watch out for your pants leg!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Watering Cans anyone!

Did You Know? - The term "watering can" first appeared in the 1690s. Earlier, it had been known as a "watering pot".

In 1886 the "Haws" watering can was patented by John Haws. The patent read "This new invention forms a watering pot that is much easier to carry and tip, and at the same time being much cleaner, and more adapted for use than any other put before the public."

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Scales are a requirement when measuring the fruits and veggies!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
The Grapefruits were huge!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
The tent was nicely decorated!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Loads of tomatos!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
We see the trunks, where are the elephants?

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
The sign says bananas but we think they are plantains

Did You Know? - Plantains are often firmer than dessert bananas; they also have less sugar. Dessert bananas are often eaten raw; plantains are usually cooked or otherwise processed before they are eaten. Plantains are a staple food in tropical regions, treated similarly to potatoes. They also have a similar taste.

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Very interesting!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Dragon Fruit

Did You Know? - A pitaya is the fruit of several cactus species indigenous to the Americas. "Pitaya" usually refers to fruit of the genus Stenocereus, while "pitahaya" or "dragon fruit" refers to fruit of the genus Hylocereus.

To prepare a pitaya for consumption, the fruit is cut open to expose the flesh. The fruit's texture is sometimes likened to that of the kiwifruit because of its black, crunchy seeds. The flesh, which is eaten raw, is mildly sweet and low in calories. The seeds are eaten together with the flesh, have a nutty taste and are rich in lipids, but they are indigestible unless chewed. The fruit is also converted into juice or wine, or used to flavour other beverages. The flowers can be eaten or steeped as tea.

A beautiful fruit!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
A beautiful fruit

Inside of a dragon fuit
The inside is also quite interesting

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
No kidding!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016
Wow! A stripped red/orange bell pepper!

Visiting the Orange County Fair July 16th 2016

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