Orange Country Fair 2009

The large print giveth, but the small print taketh away.  ~Tom Waits, Small Change

OC Fair 2009 Summary - July 10th, The Magic Day! (Page One)

Super Fair

It is that time of year when we go to the fair.  Sue's birthday is a great day to celebrate the REAL start of summer.

Did You Know? - A fair is a gathering of people to display or trade produce or other goods, to parade or display animals and often to enjoy associated carnival or funfair entertainment. Activities at fairs vary widely. Some are important showcases for businessmen in agricultural, pastoral or horticultural districts because they present opportunities to display and demonstrate the latest machinery on the market. Fairs are also known by many different names around the world, such as agricultural show, carnival, fete or fête, county fair or state fair, festival, market and show. Flea markets are sometimes incorporated into a fair.

We started the day with a small doctor's appointment and then headed for Ambrosia for a great lunch!

Orange Country is our favorite County Fair as you probably guessed.  

So, what is going on Opening Day ???

Join Us On Opening Day With A Great Lunch At Ambrosia Before The Fair

Lunch At Ambrosia

Lunch At Ambrosia

Lunch At Ambrosia

Lunch At Ambrosia

Lunch At Ambrosia

Lunch At Ambrosia

Decisions decisions decisions
Decisions decisions decisions

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