The Orange County Fair 2015

Our Yearly Visit To Fun, Education, and Food!

Visit #2 August 8th 2015 (Page Four)

It's warm today.... Really warm!  In the low 90's! We met up with Irene and Vie for lunch at Baja Blue before we finished seeing the fair! We were rained out two weeks ago!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The fair opens at noon and we walked right up to the front gate

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The cow gets to see all the visitors

OC Fair 8/4/2015

OC Fair 8/4/2015
First stop... Lunch!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Oh... I meant wine!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
It was a beautiful day... In the 90's

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Corn on the cob! Life is good!!

Did You Know? - Lillian Eichler Watson, in a 1921 etiquette book, described corn on the cob as "without a doubt one of the most difficult foods to eat gracefully."

She added that "it is entirely permissible to use the fingers in eating corn, holding it lightly at each end; sometimes a napkin is used in holding it."

Sometimes, however, a short sharp knife would be provided that each diner could use to cut or scrape the kernels from the cob for later eating. She described this as "by far the most satisfactory method" of eating corn on the cob.

Some etiquette books recommend salting and buttering the corn a section at a time just before eating that section, which helps to minimize the mess on the diner's face and hands.

Butter dripping down the diner's chin and kernels getting stuck in-between teeth may be a source of embarrassment for the diner.

OC Fair 8/4/2015
"See.... No butter on my face!"

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Pigs on their way to a birthday party!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Yes.. She got me up in thet contraption again! 132 feet into the sky
with no visible means of support

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Does Paul look worried?

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Not a lot of people yet! A good thing!

Let's Visit The Animals

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The goat had his head in the boc sleeping!

Did You Know?

  • Female goats are called 'does'. Male goats are called 'bucks'. Young goats are called 'kids.

  • Goats are bovines, members of the family bovidae which includes deer, cows, sheep and antelope.

  • The domestic goat has cloven hooves, a long beard on its chin, a short and upward-turned tail and horns that grow upward from the head instead of twisting to the sides like those of sheep. Their hair is straight with a woolly undercoat during winter.

  • A goats size is approximately 70 – 120 centimetres (28 – 48 inches) in height.

  • Goats weigh 45 – 54 kilograms (100 – 120 pounds).

  • Goats reach sexual maturity at 4 – 18 months.

  • A female goats gestation period lasts approximately 150 days; usually resulting in 1 – 3 offspring.

OC Fair 8/4/2015
A long horn!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Camels at the fair? It was a first for us!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Looks like a horse designed by the government

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The "Baby Barn" is now used for the birds!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Nice change... The birds are in the shade!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
They were fairly noisy today!

OC Fair 8/4/2015

OC Fair 8/4/2015
We took the SkyWay to the other end of the fair to see the piggies

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The ring was getting prepared for a rodeo later today

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Look carefully... It is an ice rink!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Adjacent to the ice display

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The ice museum was interesting!
Inside is was ZERO degrees!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Lots of carvings on display

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Ice cubes hanging down... Little blury as I was walking quickly


OC Fair 8/4/2015
Amazing beauty especially with the lighting

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The ice was clear... Lots of work

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The horse and chariot were from one block of ice

OC Fair 8/4/2015
The fans were working hard keeping the room at zero!

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Fire and ice?

Did You Know? - Sculpting ice presents a number of difficulties due to the variability and volatility of the material. Ice may be sculpted in a wide range of temperatures and the characteristics of the ice will change according to its temperature as well as the surrounding temperatures.

Sculptures are generally carved from blocks of ice and these blocks must be carefully selected to be suitable for the sculptor's purposes and should be free of undesired impurities.

Typically, ideal carving ice is made from pure, clean water. However, clear, transparent ice is a result of the freezing process and not necessarily related to the purity of the water. Clouded ice is often the result finely trapped air molecules that tend to bind to the impurities while naturally freezing.

Mechanically clear ice is usually made as the result of controlling the freezing process by the circulation of the water in the freezing chamber. This process hopes to eliminate any trapped air from binding to the impurities in the freezing process.

Certain machines and processes allow for slow freezing and the removal of impurities and therefore are able to produce the clear blocks of ice that are favored by ice carvers. However, not all blocks that are carved are clear ice.

White ice blocks look like snow and are sometimes carved. Colored ice blocks are produced by adding dyes to the ice and can be carved as well.

In some instances, clear ice and colored ice are combined to create a desired effect.

OC Fair 8/4/2015
Amazing details!