Georgia Agalina Liles Could Create Great Stories

Memories That Last A Lifetime

Funny Stories And Memories About Mom

Mom Remodeling - Mom was amazing... when she wanted to remodel she did.  I remember the day Dad and I came home from work and there she was (all 5'1") in the middle of what WAS the dining room... sledge hammer in hand! She had just taken out a 15 foot wall!  Two days later we had a remodeled dining room!

Meeting The Family - In 1924 Mom met my dad's family.. nothing amazing about that EXCEPT... Mom rode her motorcycle from Oklahoma into Arkansas and showed up on the doorstep complete with leather jacket and pants!  She caused quite a stir in the small town of McRae!

When Paul Was "Created" - Mom and dad had been married for 19 years when I came upon the seen. It seems that mom came up pregnant... somehow!  When she found out, her words were something like.... "When I catch Paul, I'm going to wring his neck!!!".  Mom wasn't terribly happy about the situation!  And she was 42 years old... no wonder in those days!

Working At Douglas - During WWII, Mom worked for Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica... She was in the parts warehouse and it was so big and busy, she wore skates to get around... I could never feature mom on skates... much less at work in the aerospace factory!

Soda Fountain And The Little Rascals - Before the war, Mom worked at a soda fountain at La Cienaga and Pico Blvd.  She got to know the little rascals fairly well and she had several nice autographs from Spanky and Darla.  She always said, they were just like real people!

Pour It Back in The Horse - Mom was a non-drinker and in fact I never saw her drink until she was in her 80's!   So one evening, Sue and I were out to dinner with Mom and I said... "How about a beer?"  To my surprise, mom agreed and ordered a beer.  She took a drink, looked at the waiter, and promptly told him..."Pour it back in the horse!!"

The Nude - Mom took art lessons at Venice High School in 1958.  She was doing fine for the first 12 classes.  Once evening she left for school and was back in about 90 minutes.... She steamed in the door.  Dad asked what was wrong... All mom could muster was the words..."Paul, you should have seen what she did... sitting there all open!... I'll never go back!!"  Seems as though they had a body portrait session... with a live nude!

Junkin' - Mom's favorite pastime... 2nd hand stores and other Junk stores!  She would go junkin' with anybody who would go.   Mom would bring back "treasures" that would stay in the garage for yours... but finally, she would make something out of them!