Easter 2024 Brunch At The Elks!

What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards? A receding hareline.  

Page Two - We Dined And Visited For Two Hours

Our table was full but we missed Colleen and Joe and their families. The Easter Bunny came around to visit the kids. It brings us great joy to see the families get together and enjoy each other's company!

With our tummies full, everyone headed to our home for the coloring of the Easter eggs.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
The Easter Bunny met us at the front door!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Mr Bunny was at the store gathering the last of the supplies!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
We had twenty-three with us today! The tables were beautiful.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
This is MY Easter Bunny!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
There goes her back!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Just waiting for her Prince Charming to come by!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
The camera filter makes quite a difference.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
She slapped me when I reached into her basket!
The Easter bunny needs to be fluffier — get the hare brush.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
We were at the entrance to the main hall!
Nothing makes me hoppier than you.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
The napkins were indeed Easter colors.

Ronnie and the Easter Bunny came by to visit; Ronnie is on the left!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Nick knows everyone and everyone knows Nick!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Peanut partakes of the bubbly!

The Easter Bunny must get a lot of eggs-ercise.

There's my girls!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
The Chartier's arrive from down south!

We're one big hoppy family!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Making the rounds.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
I told the little kids they were eating rabbit; I was given the evil eye!

They did a great job and only went to the cookie counter six times.

We killed of the champagne easily.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Joyce and Brenda are like members of the family!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
We finally swapped spots so we could visit the other end of the table!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Remington and Nick carried on quite a conversation.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Pete, Zack, and Becca caught up on a lot of stuff.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
They discussed next years Easter costumes.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Nick did the honors on this photo! He has a good eye!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Ladies... Looking good.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Aunt Irene sat with us and we jabbered the whole time.

Bob, Robin, Mary, and Paul; a force to deal with!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
The Elks members are really great people.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
The front table was wall-to-wall desserts! Oh my!

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
Balloons were everywhere.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024
We had amazing table decorations.

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024Bunny napkins?

Easter Brunch At The Elks 2024

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