Easter 2013

What happened when the Easter Bunny caught his head in the fan? It took ears off his life!  

It's Easter Time With The Liles' (Page One)

Remember: The joyful news that He is risen does not change the contemporary world.  Still before us lie work, discipline, sacrifice.  But the fact of Easter gives us the spiritual power to do the work, accept the discipline, and make the sacrifice.  ~Henry Knox Sherrill

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013

Did You Know? - Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. The equinox is march 20th and the first full moon after that is march 21st, which is a Friday. Easter falls on Sunday the 23rd. The latest Easter could be is if the moon is full one day before the equinox and the equinox happens to be monday. The next full moon would be about 27 days after the equinox. Easter then fall in or around the 24th.

Easter began with pre-Easter egg coloring lunch followed by coloring the eggs! The next morning we went to church, Disneyland, and Catal with Robin and Bob!

Lunch Time At Our Favorite Local Restaurant - The Yucatan Grill

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Nick is ready to go!

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"Put that game away!"

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
The fickle finger of fate

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Pete is ready for heat!

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Oh oh...

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"Only took me about 65 minutes to get here this morning"

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Time to visit

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
The Boss has arrived

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"Yes! This is my Easter Drinking Shirt"

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"I finished the whole thing!"

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"Hey Nick! Heads up!"

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"Dessert? Sure!"

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
"We can share"

Quick Look Around Before The Eggs

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Bob finds an odd shaped one...

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
The tangerine tree is loaded

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Checking out the avacado babies

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013
Soon to be grapes!

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013

Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013     Pre-egg dieing activities Easter 2013