Easter 2011 With Family And Easter Eggs

Why do we paint Easter eggs? Because it's easier than trying to wallpaper them!  

Gramsue Prepares The Next Dye Batch (Page Three)

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Broil boil toil and trouble... Add head of gnat and eyeball of bat

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Not really

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Sarge thought her smelled food

Happy Easter 2011

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Dye transporting device at work

Interesting Facts About the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is a mythological rabbit who brings presents and sweets to children on Easter Day!!

The Easter bunny was introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700's.

The Easter bunny probably has its origin in pre-Christian fertility tradition. The hare and the rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of new life during the blossoming Spring season.

The bunny as an Easter symbol appears to have its origins in Europe, where it was first mentioned in German writings in the 1500's.

The first edible Easter bunnies were made in Germany during the early 1800's, and were made of pastry and sugar.

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Finished and they are beauties

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Looking like an operating table

Happy Easter 2011

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Checking out the colors

The Boys Discover The Talking Rabbit

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Candy at Alpine Village gave us this little guy... He sings a funny song

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
"He is talking"

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
What a team... Nice looking results

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
It's crunch time

Happy Easter 2011

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Bob tries yellow and blue

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Sharp pencil needed to poke the shell of the egg for a tie-dye effect

Did You Know? - Tie-dye is a process of resist dyeing textiles or clothing which is made from knit or woven fabric, usually cotton; typically using bright colors. It is a modern version of traditional dyeing methods used in many cultures throughout the world. "Tie-dye" can also describe the resulting pattern or an item which features this pattern. Tie-dyeing became fashionable in the West in the late 1960s and early 1970s as part of hippie style.

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Glitter in the cup

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
The little kids are gone... Long live the BIG kids

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
The table gets quiet

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Theo looks over the masterpieces

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Happy Easter 2011

Time For A Garden Tour

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Flower thought "Food???"

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Saying goodbye

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
High five

Happy Easter 2011

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party

Happy Easter 2011

Theo Heads For Home

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Bye Aunt Sherri

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Hugs and kisses

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
He is trying to escape

We Continue Visiting With Bob & Robin and Pete & Lisa

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Lisa collects her eggs to take home

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
And perhaps a small glass of Champagne

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Grandma Sue and Nick (hidden) are carrying on

Happy Easter 2011

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Saying goodbye to Sarge

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
Bye for now...

Easter 2011 egg decorfating party
See youse soon