Disneyland With Jon And Sarah Christmas 2012

Christmas, children, is not a date.  It is a state of mind.  ~Mary Ellen Chase

California Adventure & Disneyland 12/11/2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
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To The Rainforest Cafe For Breakfast

Did You Know? - Rainforest Cafe is a themed restaurant chain owned by Landry's Restaurants, Inc. of Houston, Texas. It was founded by entrepreneur Steven Schussler. The first location opened in the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota on February 3, 1994. In 1997, the chain consisted of only six restaurants, all in the United States. In 1998, the plan was to build 10 additional restaurants in the United States, seven in Mexico and five in the UK over the decade.

In 2000, the Rainforest Cafe was bought by Landry's Restaurants Inc., a company specializing in dining, hospitality, entertainment, and gaming, based in Houston, Texas.[5] To date the company owns restaurants in the United States, Mexico, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Japan. Rainforest Cafe focuses on local tourism for a majority of their income.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Jon just had "Pie of the Viper" so he is cooling off his tongue

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Pie of the Viper - Freshly baked Mexican-style breakfast pizza brushed with salsa and topped wit scrambled eggs, Roma tomatoes, red, green and Poblano peppers, cheddar cheese and our four cheese blend. Garnished with fresh cilantro.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

Legos On Display In Downtown Disney

Did You Know? - Lego (trademarked in capitals as LEGO) is a popular line of construction toys manufactured by The Lego Group, a privately held company based in Billund, Denmark. The company's flagship product, Lego, consists of colourful interlocking plastic bricks and an accompanying array of gears, minifigures and various other parts.

Lego bricks can be assembled and connected in many ways, to construct such objects as vehicles, buildings, and even working robots. Anything constructed can then be taken apart again, and the pieces used to make other objects. Lego began manufacturing interlocking toy bricks in 1949. Since then a global Lego subculture has developed, supporting movies, games, competitions, and six themed amusement parks.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Who is the dragon after

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

Did You Know? - A dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentine or reptilian traits, that features in the myths of many cultures. There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: the European dragon, derived from European folk traditions and ultimately related to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and the Chinese dragon, with counterparts in Japan, Korea and other East Asian countries.

The two traditions may have evolved separately, but have influenced each other to a certain extent, particularly with the cross-cultural contact of recent centuries. The English word "dragon" derives from Greek δράκων (drákōn), "dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake".

California Adventure Was Our First Stop

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
A real 1920's Goofy

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Hey... We have it a try

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The Fun Wheel is a great way to see the entire park

Did You Know? - Mickey's Fun Wheel is an eccentric wheel, differing from conventional Ferris wheels in that 16 of its 24 gondolas ride on interior rails so that they slide inward and outward as the wheel rotates.

This results in a more intense experience, and motion sickness bags are provided in each gondola due to the disorienting nature of the ride. The other eight gondolas are fixed to the rim of the wheel and do not slide. Guests may choose to ride in sliding or fixed gondolas, each of which can carry six people.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Soaring Over California has the "Fly Girls" entertaining theses days

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

To Disneyland We Go Arriving At 2:00 Sharp

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The City Hall is the first stop on the walk through downtown

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
This year the tree has LED lights

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Up up we go

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
On the paddle wheeler

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Billy Hill and the Hillbillies

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Great music and great fun

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Laugh, giggle and sing along...

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Cute little girl

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

Toon Town Decorations

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
I think of Paul William every time I see a "Dime Store"

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

Off To Catal

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Renee has a pre-dinner drink with us

Return To Disneyland For Fireworks

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

We were shocked that Disneyland still allowed scripture, God, and the real holiday to be celebrated! It was so beautiful to see and hear these magnificent people recreate the story of Jesus on the steps of the Disney Railway Station....

Thanks You Disney for bringing real Christmas to Disneyland....


A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The Candlelight Procession

Did You Know? - The Candlelight Ceremony, one of the oldest traditions at Disneyland, includes a choir made up of Disney Cast Members, an orchestra playing classical Christmas hymns and a celebrity narrator who reads the story of the first Christmas as told by the Bible. It is a wonderful and popular Disneyland tradition.

Over the years, the Candlelight Processional has been a tough-to-get ticket, and park guests would stand for hours in an attempt to watch the ceremony. In response to this demand, Disneyland has announced they will hold a record 20 nights of the Candlelight Ceremony and Processional for the 2012 Holiday season.

18 of the 20 nights will be open to guests, with the first two nights being invitation-only events. Disney has also announced that the performances scheduled for December 3-20, 2012 will be open to registered Annual Passholders free of charge.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The lighting changes on a regular basis

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
It's really magic

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The mood lighting was just fantastic

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The MC did a super job reading from the Bible and telling the story

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Thank You Disney

We Then Headed For A Place To Watch The Fireworks

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Real gas lamps

Did You Know? - Public illumination preceded the discovery and adoption of gaslight by centuries. In 1417, Sir Henry Barton, Mayor of London, ordained "lanterns with lights to be hanged out on the winter evenings between Hallowtide and Candlemasse." Paris was first lit by an order issued in 1524, and, in the beginning of the 16th century, the inhabitants were ordered to keep lights burning in the windows of all houses that faced the streets.

In 1668, when some regulations were made for improving the streets of London, the residents were reminded to hang out their lanterns at the usual time, and, in 1690, an order was issued to hang out a light, or lamp, every night as soon as it was dark, from Michaelmas to Christmas. By an Act of the Common Council in 1716, all housekeepers, whose houses faced any street, lane, or passage, were required to hang out, every dark night, one or more lights, to burn from six to eleven o'clock, under the penalty of one shilling as a fine for failing to do so.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
The lights begin to dim

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Bang... Boom

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
With synchronized music

Did You Know? - "Believe... In Holiday Magic" Fireworks Spectacular

Fill your heart with the magic of the holidays with this very special edition of the nighttime fireworks spectacular. Watch in awe as world-class pyrotechnics ignite to a soaring sound track incorporating classic holiday songs.

And the grand finale is grand indeed: over 80,000 twinkling lights illuminate Sleeping Beauty Castle, adorning it with sparkling "icicles" and shimmering snow-capped turrets. Dreams of a white Christmas also come true, with gingerbread-scented snow falling on Main Street, U.S.A.; Small World Mall; and the Fantasmic! viewing area.

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

And It Snowed

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012

We Headed For Catal

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
We called Lisa and told her of the elopement....

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Lisa called in 1.2 seconds after receiving the text message

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
We were treated to new experimental drinks! Santee did a GREAT job

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
Dang... Do we really have to go home?

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012
All smiles

A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012 A visit to Disneyland with family December 2012