Christmas 2009 In The 1950's

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold; everything is softer and more beautiful.

The Winter Wonderettes

Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy and Suzy are entertaining at the 1968 Holiday Party for Harper’s Hardware, where Betty Jean has worked since high school. Audience members are fellow employees, friends and family, and the girls have transformed the hardware store into a winter wonderland (with help from the guys in the lumber department, of course!). As is the annual tradition, Mr. Harper is scheduled to appear at the end of the evening as Santa Claus, when he will pass out the much-anticipated bonus envelopes. After missing his cue (the special ‘Santa Bell’) several times, Betty Jean runs off to find him. She can’t find Santa, but returns triumphant with the bonus envelopes instead. After passing them out to the audience, they open the envelopes to discover pink slips – Harper’s Hardware is closing!

Wonderettes in 2009

Missy tries to cheer things up with happy Christmas memories as well as a musical tribute to Christmas around the world. After an audience participation bell medley, they finally decide to bring on their own Santa: Missy’s new husband Bill (an audience member). After singing to Santa onstage, Suzy discovers an identical set of bonus envelopes in Santa’s bag. The first set of envelopes were a trick – Harper’s is staying open and everyone receives a huge bonus! All ends happily & merrily in this wonderful winter wonderland.

Wonderettes in 2009

Winter Wonderettes at the Laguna Playhouse
Vicky & Del

Winter Wonderettes at the Laguna Playhouse
Yolie clowns around

Winter Wonderettes at the Laguna Playhouse

Winter Wonderettes at the Laguna Playhouse
The stage setting

Joy To The World