Birthday Celebration At Disneyland
See the details on Robin's Page...
In The Year Robin Was Born This Happened.... What Year Was It???
- President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas; Vice President Lyndon Johnson becomes President. The accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, is shot and killed a short time later.
- Civil rights protests continue throughout the South, during which nonviolent activists are frequently met with beatings and arrests
- 200,000 people march on Washington in support of civil rights; Dr. Martin Luther King delivers his "I Have a Dream" speech
- U.S., Soviet Union and Britain sign a nuclear test ban treaty
- Scandals in British Parliament leads to resignations of key officials
- "Great train robbery" in Britain yields £2.5 million for thieves
- Kenya gains independence
- Pope John XXIII dies; Cardinal Montini elected Pope, takes name of Paul VI
- Washington-Moscow "hot line" established
- Congress expands its investigation of organized crime
Off To Disneyland To Celebrate!!
Right after the jnee surgery
HAng on... This is the real Mr. Toad's Wild Ride
Nick and Grandma Sue
Tortilla Joe's