Christmas Golf Is Refreshing On December 13th
December 20th In California
head golf-pro takes to the links to prove without a doubt that it is
possible to three-putt every hole in the course!
are not fake clouds photoshopped in... they are indeed real and
they provide a dramatic and cold backdrop to an otherwise super golf
day! No rain... just threats!
Did You Know? - Believe it or not, those are a flock of pelicans! Pelicans are large birds with enormous, pouched bills. Pelicans swim well with their short, strong legs and their feet with all four toes webbed (as in all birds placed in the order Pelecaniformes). The tail is short and square, with 20 to 24 feathers.
The wings are long and have the unusually large number of 30 to 35 secondary flight feathers. A layer of special fibers deep in the breast muscles can hold the wings rigidly horizontal for gliding and soaring. Thus they can exploit thermals to commute over 150 km (100 miles) to feeding areas. The regular diet of a Pelican usually consists of fish, but they also eat amphibians, crustaceans and on some occasions, smaller birds.
They often catch fish by expanding the throat pouch. Then they must drain the pouch above the surface before they can swallow. This operation takes up to a minute, during which time other seabirds are particularly likely to steal the fish. Pelicans in their turn sometimes pirate prey from other seabirds.
The white pelicans often fish in groups. They will form a line to chase schools of small fish into shallow water, and then simply scoop them up. Large fish are caught with the bill-tip, then tossed up in the air to be caught and slid into the gullet head first.